Chapter 35 Heartless

“Jared, it has been five years, but you’re still so selfish and conceited. You want everything to be under your control, and you never consider what other people are really thinking.” Gwen finally vented her anger, which she had been suppressing for the whole night. “You’re still the old you, but I’m no longer the Gwen who stupidly liked you for ten years and was still committed to you even after tolerating your ridicules and insults! Because of you, I suffered a lot from Janice! Because of you, my mom was killed by Janice! Because of you, I made a trip to the gates of hell, my body’s still unwell, and my life has been shortened by twenty years! “You said you want to make it up to me, but how are you going to do that? Can you return my mom’s life? Can you make my illness go away? “You can’t! So you don’t deserve to demand anything from me, let alone ask me to return to you! Jared Crawford, I don’t have anything to do with you anymore. I’m setting myself free, so you should set me

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