Chapter 36 A Mysterious Gift

Gwen looked gloomy when she returned home that night, and Zach could tell at once what had happened. “Did he disturb you again?” “I’m so pissed off!” Gwen threw her bag hard on the couch. “He actually asked me to start over with him again? He’s crazy!” Zach’s face darkened, and he stood up and said, “I’ll go meet him.” “Don’t, you shouldn’t go.” Gwen quickly stopped him. As mad as she was, she was still rational. “If you go, you’ll definitely fight. In any case, he’s the eldest son in the Crawford family, and your family and his are evenly matched. If you have a huge conflict and it affects your company, it won’t be worth it.” Zach hugged her and expressed, “But I can’t stand seeing him harassing you every day.” Gwen smiled brightly. “I’ll just ignore him. I’m yours, and it’s a fact that can’t be changed no matter what he does.” “Mm.” Zach hugged her even more tightly because he was afraid that the men who coveted her would snatch her away. Gwen closed her eyes in his war

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