Chapter 34 No!

In the backyard of the villa, there was a small pond that was full of lotus flowers and was home to a few carps. Gwen walked to the side of the pond and casually took some fish feed to sprinkle them in batches to the fishes. Jared blurted as he could not wait any longer, “I don’t want us to end!” Gwen looked plainly at the pond and asked in return, “You don’t want us to end? What do you want then? Me?” She laughed. “Do you want me to return to you so that I’ll continue spending days of being married, but my husband’s always with another woman, always protects that woman first no matter what happens, strangles me because of that woman, and even has a child with her?” Those were things that Jared had done, and he had done things far worse than that. Throughout the five years, Jared had been looking back on his memories. He recalled her good while he recalled his bad, and he knew he owed her so much that he could not redeem himself by saying sorry. Jared expressed with a flat vo

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