Chapter 33 Could Not Deny

Janice looked up like a fool and was even more dumbfounded when she saw two police officers. “Where to?” Someone suddenly kicked her and scolded her with disgust, “Where can you go if you’ve killed someone? Pfft! B*tch!” Another person ran over and slapped her face hard. “You stole someone else’s husband, framed his legal wife, and even killed his legal wife’s mom. How can an obnoxious woman like you exist in the world!” Janice regained her senses when she was kicked and slapped. When she looked up around her, she realized that the banquet hall was filled with people — men and women in stunning outfits — who were obviously there for the birthday party. They were always present, so they watched the show, as well as when she begged for forgiveness and pleaded guilty… Janice finally understood that someone had devised a plot against her! Someone planned the same scenario to happen again to get her to plead guilty! “I didn’t kill anyone! I didn’t kill anyone!” Janice shouted.

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