Chapter 32 Plead Guilty

‘Janice’ looked at ‘Mrs. White’ indifferently. “Seriously, you’ve been lying in bed for so long that your brain is damaged. Didn’t you even think who your daughter is? She always says how much she loves and likes Jared, but how is she a match for me?” ‘Mrs. White’ pointed at the ward’s door with her trembling fingers. “Get out now! Get out!” “I won’t!” ‘Janice’ went closer to the bed and pulled the woman’s hair. “Do you know why I’m at the hospital? I had a miscarriage because of your daughter!” ‘Mrs. White’ widened her eyes in disbelief, and her already pale face became as white as a sheet. “I had Jared’s child, so Gwen was jealous of me. She hit me so that I would knock into the corner of a table, and I lost my child as a result. She’s being locked up by Jared now, and Jared said that she’ll be our child-bearing tool until she gives birth to our child, which is when she’ll only be set free.” ‘Mrs. White’ had doted on Gwen very much, and she never imagined her daughter to ha

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