Chapter 31 The Scene Reappears

Zach smiled. “You can say that. We’ve previously met once at a party, where you were President Crawford’s partner. I asked for your contact number, and I’ve been wanting to ask you out.” “Oh~” Janice knew very well what it meant when a man asked for a woman’s number and wanted to ask her out. She replied to him while her mind ran wild, “President Warren, you can contact me anytime if you’d like to find me, I’m always free.” Zach nodded. “Okay.” If Janice could claim a connection with Zach, even if she had to be his unpresentable mistress, she would be willing to. It was her most-used trick, after all. She would first gain the man’s good impression and trust step by step, and when she could not go any further, she would naturally devise another plan. Although Janice had only taken a few steps on the path, she had already come up with the full plan to become “Mrs. Warren”. Zach led her to the entrance of a hall and said, “I have to attend to other guests for now, so please

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