Chapter 27 I Remember Everything

“I’m sorry, Gwen…” Gwen finally gathered the strength to push Jared away. “Let go of me!” She raised her hand to give him a tight slap on his face. “Slap!” Gwen was slightly startled after she slapped Jared, but he was not bothered at all because what he owed her could not be paid by even a hundred slaps. She backed away frantically. For some reason, a few strange scenes flashed in his mind: a dark and damp prison, a hospital with a pungent smell of disinfectant, a bedroom that was filled with the smell of musk… At that instant, she was terrified because she felt that she was getting closer to hell… “Gwen!” Jared wanted to pull her, but she shrieked and ran out of the cabin to get to the observation deck. “Gwen!” Tears began rolling down Gwen’s face when she stood on top. “Jared Crawford! You forced Gwen White to jump into the sea back then, are you going to make me do the same today?!” Jared’s pupils immediately shrunk. The heartbreaking pain he felt when he received

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