Chapter 26 So Full Of Love

Zach went to find Stella… No, Gwen. He saw her having breakfast with Lou, and she looked up and smiled at him when he approached them. “Zach.” “Did you meet Jared Crawford again?” Zach asked while furrowing his eyebrows. “Yes, and he still took me as Gwen,” Gwen looked down and answered unhappily. Zach felt a twitch in his heart. “Did he tell you a lot of things? Did you feel anything?” Gwen looked displeased. “Disgust, and hate. I just want to leave this ship now.” Zach sighed a breath of relief, and he also felt that they should not stay on the ship any longer. “If you’d like to, we can leave now.” “We can?” Gwen questioned and wondered, ‘But the cruise has already started, can we leave?’ “Of course. Go pack your things in the room now, I’ll make the arrangements.” Zach planted a kiss between her eyebrows and left. Before long, they had gotten all their belongings, and they got on a speed boat to go ashore. Jared was quickly informed of the news. “Mr. Crawford, Zach

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