Chapter 28 I’m Yours

Gwen knew what Zach was thinking — he was afraid she would blame him for lying to her. Five years ago, Zach had saved Gwen from the sea. After knowing that she had lost her memory, he decided after thorough consideration to not tell her the truth. Instead, he coordinated with the Rose family, who had just lost their beloved daughter, and he used Stella’s name and identity on Gwen. Zach hoped that she could forget her miserable past as Gwen and become Stella, who was doted on, from then on. He had done it for her own good after all, but it was not right, hence he was afraid that she would be mad. Gwen naturally knew Zach was a nice person. Without his protection throughout the five years, she would not know how she would have become. Stella loved Zach, but so did Gwen. She held his hands and said, “Zach, I’m very grateful for how well you’ve been treating me these years. Whether I’ve regained my memory or not, I’m always Stella to you and Lou.” Zach sighed a breath of relief

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