His lips move softly on mine. At first the kiss was slow balanced in benignity but gradually it turns fierce stroked by an overwhelming need of passion. I circle my hands around him in a tight hug and let out a soft gasp. His hold on me tightens and he deepens the kiss. My heart thuds fast and his was replicating the same like our feelings were dancing in the same rhythm.
"Stop me if you don't want this to happen." He tells me softly and kisses me slow and intense. I never experienced such a professed fervency. There was this heat, a longing vehemence in his kiss as though I was his salvation. I couldn't stop him from canoodle. It took away my every breath. The kiss I shared with him was unparalleled. It was like a spell of an amorous osculation.
"Allen" I breathe out his name in a soft resonance. He cups my cheeks and looks towards the sky in an unperceived affliction. "Allen what happened?" I asked him worried. Closing his eyes for a moment his orbs meet mine in a tormen