"Here is the telephone number of Robert." Arianna immediately scrawls a number on a slip and hands me the moment I tell I would talk to Robert and settle the matter. Accepting the chit from her I foster a heart of steel. What a hapless geezer I am! I would probably be the only guy on earth who would be marrying off his wife, to another man. "You should have called him." I tell her with a forced smile. She grins from ear to ear. "Believe me, I did many times but the phone was always unreachable." Her eyes cover in a glum expression.
"Robert was very sad when he learnt about my marriage. He left the city soon after he heard the news. Even Nancy wasn't allowed to attend my wedding." I pat her shoulder in a strained a smile. "I will talk to him and make everything alright." She beams spirited that lifted the brightness in her eyes. "I know you are capable Allen and you will set things rights." Pocketing the slip I walk away from her without sparing a second glance to arrest the qua