Chapter 34

That day, Yvonne didn’t go straight home. She usually did when she got off work. Instead, she went to Stella and asked if she would like to go shopping. Stella thought about it for a while and accepted Yvonne’s invitation. She had just got off the phone with Roger, who told her that he was going to a party with his classmates that evening. Since they were starting a new life in a new city, Stella thought it would be a good idea to make new friends, and she agreed to go out with Yvonne. “My husband invited some guests to dinner this evening,” Yvonne told Stella, “and I really don’t have anything to wear! Will you help me choose something nice?” “Sure,” replied Stella. “But I must warn you that my fashion sense is pretty lousy!” It had been ages since Stella was as relaxed as this when she and Yvonne spent time together. It even helped Stella forget all her pain and heartaches, even if only temporarily. They had so much fun that day that Yvonne was reluctant to part ways when it was

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