Chapter 33

Yvonne’s husband was transferred back to Fern City, so she naturally followed suit. She had never been able to find a suitable replacement for Stella after she left the training center that she founded for fun in Ahn City. Thus, coupled with other factors, she finally decided to close the training center in Ahn City and move everything to Fern City instead. The training center had only started operating recently, and apart from a few acquaintances, Yvonne was still recruiting new teachers. Simultaneously, Stella had just moved there and was looking for a job. As fate would have it, they bumped into each other. Sometimes, the world was just that small. Yvonne couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Stella. “Stella Sealey?” she cried. Her face turned pale as if she’d just seen a ghost. “But aren’t you already…?” Yvonne and Stella had never been all that close. Still, Stella’s talent and dedication to her job left a good impression on Yvonne. Upon receiving the news of Stella’s death,

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