Chapter 35

“Can you believe this guy?” grumbled Yvonne. She shot a glare at Lucas. “He’s always like that. He never talks. All he cares about is reading medical journals all day… Please don’t mind the nerd, Ella!” Stella chuckled. “You two make such a great pair!” she exclaimed. “You think so?” Yvonne replied. She seemed a little surprised, though it was obvious that Stella’s words pleased her very much. “I guess you’ve got a keen eye after all!” She poked her husband with an elbow as she spoke, adding, “Ella thinks we make a great couple. What do you think?” “Whatever makes you happy,” Lucas replied without even looking up from his tablet. Yvonne was all too happy to let Lucas’s lukewarm reply ruin her mood. Hence, she just turned her attention to Stella and continued chatting with her for the rest of the journey. In almost no time, they reached their destination, where Stella found herself at a lofty mansion. She wondered why rich people loved living in mansions so much. In fact, this ma

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