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CHAPTER 94 The Crucible of Celestial Devotion

As Lily and Alexander continued to move across the vastness of the universe in harmony with each other, they began to feel an odd sensation – an attraction that was in a different league altogether. The world around them changed, distorting and shifting as if the very fabric of reality was being twisted and pulled as if it were made of paper, and all too soon they were in a place beyond understanding. In front of them lay an expanse of space that seemed to go on infinity, filled with spinning multicolored energy currents. While observing the space in the distance, it was possible to see massive celestial bodies radiating an alien-like light. From here, not only the structures of planets, but the very fabric of space-time… appeared to be flexible and supple. Sensing this familiar pull to partake in this marvel in the individualistic capacity, Lily and Alexander dematerialized but their silhouettes emerged next to each other. They froze in disbelief and instantly linked their finger

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