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CHAPTER 95 The Reflections of Infinity Love

Lily and Alexander who were reborn into new divine beings started feeling a new vibration deep within them as they moved across the cosmic plane. As one, they had become love in physical form – an entity that thrummed with life in all its multidimensional glory. But in futility they flew through the vastness of space and time, and in their hearts they felt a tug, a voice that was calling to them across the eras and galaxies. In the wake of this celestial invitation, they were led up to what perhaps could be described as an entity not easily categorized according to the existing lore. In front of them lay a boundless ocean, a sea of iridescent, transparent bubbles, floating in mid-air like a constellation of countless spheres that somehow held galaxies within them. Gradually, or perhaps suddenly, they came close but again the desire to run away and experience this oddity alone welled up in them. Their forms emerged and solidified – Lily and Alexander are hand in hand on the edge of

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