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CHAPTER 93 The Symphony of Stardust Souls

As Lily and Alexander moved through the vastness of space, existing as one being, they started to notice something rather peculiar. The air around them seemed to hum with heavenly music, and every planet and star added its own note to the symphony of the cosmos. Thus it was, that being attracted by this wonderful melody, they observed that they were tending towards a splendid sight of a large dance of lit stardust which had rhythmic fluctuations of light and sound. Lily and Alexander felt the call to feel this wonder as individuals; they uncoupled, bodies manifesting apart, standing side by side. They held their breaths in an order they could not have fathomed earlier: as motes of stardust hovered above them, each tiny speck emitting its own warm radiance. ”Alex,” Lily whispered, amazed, “do you hear that? It is as though the cosmos is . . . humming.” Alexander did not have time to reply; a pleasant-sounding voice echoed through the surrounding space. “Greetings, Guardians of Cos

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