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Lance's grip on her arm tightened subtly as they navigated the crowd. His earlier jovial demeanor evaporated, replaced by a familiar chill that sent shivers down Kayla's spine. "The finger foods could have been more creative," he murmured, his voice low enough for only Kayla to hear. "The spring rolls are a bit… pedestrian, wouldn't you say?" Kayla forced a smile, her stomach churning. "Absolutely, Mr. Storm," she said, her voice strained. "I'll make a note to discuss it with the caterers for next year." "And the music," he continued, his voice laced with disapproval. "A touch too loud for conversation, don't you think?" "Yes, Mr. Storm," she agreed quickly. "I'll see if we can adjust the volume a bit." With each whispered criticism, Kayla felt a piece of her pride chip away. She had poured weeks into planning this event, meticulously considering every detail. Now, under Lance's scrutiny, everything felt hopelessly inadequate. They stopped in front of a group of distinguished-looking individuals, their laughter momentarily pausing as Lance cleared his throat. His demeanor underwent a dramatic shift. Gone was the icy critic; in his place stood the charming CEO, radiating warmth and confidence. "Ah, Kayla," he said, his voice smooth as butter. "Just the person I wanted you to meet. This is Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka, and Mr. Chen. They're considering investing in some of our upcoming projects." Kayla plastered a smile on her face, her earlier anger transforming into a dull ache. This, she knew, was Lance's way of sidelining her. He wanted to appear charming and approachable to the potential investors, while simultaneously diminishing her role in the company. "Welcome," she said, extending a hand to each of them in turn. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Mr. Tanaka, a man with kind eyes and a gentle smile, shook her hand warmly. "The pleasure is all ours, Ms. Danvers," he said. "We've heard wonderful things about your work here." A flicker of surprise, genuine this time, crossed Kayla's face. No one, not even Lance, had ever spoken "wonderful things" about her work. She could only manage a small, grateful nod in response. Mrs. Tanaka, a woman with an air of quiet strength, leaned forward. "We're particularly interested in the advancements you've made in the clean energy sector," she said, her voice soft yet firm. "It's a cause we're very passionate about." Kayla's smile felt genuine this time, a spark of enthusiasm igniting within her. For the first time that evening, she wasn't focused on Lance or his disapproval. She was talking about her work, about the projects she poured her heart and soul into. As she spoke, explaining the intricacies of the new solar panel technology with passion and expertise, she stole a glance at Lance. His earlier criticisms had vanished from his face, replaced by a bored indifference. He was barely listening, his gaze flitting towards Lana who was giggling with a group of younger employees across the room. A wave of bitter realization washed over Kayla. Despite her years of dedication, of meticulously managing every aspect of the company's image, she was expendable. Lance saw her not as an asset, but as a convenient accessory, someone to be discarded when a newer, shinier model came along. Taking a deep breath, Kayla forced herself to focus on the Tanakas and Mr. Chen. These were people who genuinely appreciated her work, who saw the value she brought to the table. Kayla's smile remained fixed as she spoke with the Tanakas and Mr. Chen, but her eyes kept darting towards Lance and Lana like a moth to a flame. Every playful touch, every shared laugh sent a fresh jolt of jealousy through her. It was a raw, unfamiliar feeling, a storm brewing beneath the surface of her carefully constructed composure. Halfway through explaining the energy-efficient lighting project, Mr. Tanaka leaned closer, his voice dropping to a low murmur. "You and Mr. Storm seem to have a wonderful rapport," he said kindly. "Is that… a professional partnership that extends beyond the office?" The question caught Kayla off guard. The public, of course, assumed she and Lance were a couple. Years of carefully crafted appearances had fostered that illusion. A nervous laugh escaped her lips. "Oh, Mr. Tanaka," she said, her voice light, "Mr. Storm and I have a very close working relationship. We push each other to achieve the best results for the company." "That's admirable," Mrs. Tanaka chimed in, her smile empathetic. "A strong partnership is key to any successful endeavor." Kayla nodded, forcing down the lump that had formed in her throat. Their words felt like a comforting balm, a reminder that her value wasn't solely defined by her perceived relationship with Lance. The conversation continued, a welcome distraction from the churning emotions within her. She found herself genuinely engaged, discussing the company's future plans with a renewed sense of purpose. These were people who believed in the company's vision, who saw the potential Kayla had always strived to realize. Suddenly, a hand touched her shoulder. She whirled around, her heart skipping a beat, to find Mrs. Tanaka gazing at her with a concerned expression. "Ms. Danvers," Mrs. Tanaka said gently, "you seem troubled. Is everything alright?" Kayla hesitated, torn between maintaining her facade and the unexpected urge to confide in this kind stranger. In the end, self-preservation won out. A forced smile stretched across her face. "Absolutely, Mrs. Tanaka," she said, her voice a touch too bright. "Just a bit overwhelmed with the evening's festivities, that's all." Mrs. Tanaka's gaze lingered on her for a moment longer, filled with a quiet understanding that Kayla couldn't quite decipher. Then, with a small nod, she turned back to the conversation. The rest of the evening stretched before Kayla in a blur. She continued to circulate, engaging with guests and ensuring the smooth running of the event. All the while, her eyes were drawn to Lance and Lana, a constant reminder of the precariousness of her position. As the night wore on, the music throbbed a little louder, the laughter a little more strained. The veneer of merriment began to crack, revealing the underlying tension that simmered beneath the surface. Kayla felt adrift, a solitary figure amidst the swirl of bodies and forced smiles. Finally, with a flourish, the band launched into the last song of the night. A slow, melancholic melody filled the air, prompting couples to the dance floor. Kayla watched from the sidelines, a bitter taste in her mouth. She longed to lose herself in the music, to forget the turmoil within her. But she was Kayla Danvers, the ever-present Event Manager, and leaving before the party officially ended was simply not an option. As the final notes faded, the lights flickered back on, casting a harsh glare across the room. The magic of the evening had dissipated, leaving behind a sense of emptiness. Exhausted and emotionally drained, Kayla began the task of coordinating the cleanup. Just then, Lance materialized beside her, his face unreadable. "Well, Kayla," he said, his voice clipped. "I trust the evening went smoothly?" Kayla met his gaze, a cold anger replacing the earlier ache in her heart. "Everything was under control, Mr. Storm," she said, her voice devoid of emotion. "Just another successful company event, wouldn't you say?"

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