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Lance's eyes narrowed for a fleeting moment, a flicker of something Kayla couldn't decipher. "Actually," he said, his voice taking on a colder edge, "there's one last thing. Lana seems a bit… flustered. Could you offer her a ride home?" Kayla's surprise was evident. "Mr. Storm," she began, her voice carefully controlled, "wouldn't it be more appropriate for—" "Don't question me, Kayla," Lance cut her off, his tone sharp. "Just do it." He stalked away, leaving Kayla fuming in his wake. Taking a deep breath, she forced a smile onto her face and navigated the crowd towards Lana, who was still surrounded by a group of giggling colleagues. "Excuse me, ladies," Kayla cut in politely. "Lana, Mr. Storm mentioned you might need a ride home. I'm happy to offer if you'd like." Lana's face lit up. "Oh, Ms. Danvers, that would be amazing! Thank you so much!" Her voice was laced with a syrupy sweetness that made Kayla grit her teeth internally. The car ride began with a tense silence. Lana, oblivious to the storm brewing within Kayla, chattered incessantly about the evening's events, peppering her monologue with praises for Lance. "He's just so brilliant, isn't he?" Lana gushed, tilting her head towards Kayla. "And so charming! Makes you wonder how he stays single." Kayla's knuckles whitened around the steering wheel. "One-word answers, Lana," she muttered, her voice tight. Undeterred, Lana continued. "So, are you two… a thing?" she pressed, her voice laced with playful curiosity. Kayla snorted, a harsh, humorless sound. "A thing?" she repeated, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Let's just say Mr. Storm appreciates a certain type – the young, eye-catching variety." Lana's smile faltered for a moment. "What do you mean?" she asked, a hint of defensiveness creeping into her voice. "Oh, nothing," Kayla said, her voice flat. "Just a friendly reminder that new interns tend to catch Mr. Storm's eye quite easily. Remember Sarah from marketing last year? And Jessica from accounting the year before?" Lana's face flushed crimson. "That's not true!" she protested weakly. Kayla let out a humorless laugh. "Isn't it, Lana? Don't be naive. You're just the latest flavor of the month." The car swerved slightly as Kayla took a sharp turn, a reckless edge creeping into her driving. Lana, her earlier bravado gone, shrank back in her seat. "Stop the car," she pleaded, her voice trembling. Kayla pulled over to the curb without a word. Lana scrambled out of the car, slamming the door shut behind her. Kayla watched her walk away, a mix of anger and a strange sense of vindication churning in her gut. For the first time that evening, Kayla felt a spark of power. She had taken a jab at Lance, a small defiance in the face of his manipulations. She didn't care if Lana believed her or not. The seed of doubt had been planted. Turning the car around, Kayla headed back to the event. The party was winding down, most of the guests already gone. A sense of emptiness settled over her, but it wasn't the same hollow feeling from before. This emptiness was laced with a newfound resolve. Relief washed over Kayla as she pulled into the parking lot by the venue again. However, a nagging worry gnawed at the edges of her satisfaction. What if Lana, fuming mad, called Lance and tattled about their little exchange in the car? The image of Lance's icy fury sent a fresh wave of apprehension through her. Hurrying inside, she scanned the dwindling crowd for his familiar form. He wasn't there. Disappointment battled with a flicker of relief. Maybe he'd simply left without her. She approached Sarah, her colleague, who was gathering empty glasses with a weary sigh. "Hey," Kayla said, offering a small smile. "Thought you'd be leaving by now." "Almost," Sarah chuckled. "Just helping out with the cleanup crew." They chatted for a while, Kayla forcing a lightheartedness she didn't quite feel. As the party dwindled to a handful of die-hards, Kayla realized Lance wasn't coming back. A strange sense of liberation washed over her. "Let's grab a drink somewhere," David, another colleague, suggested, his voice slurred slightly. "This place is about as exciting as watching paint dry." A spontaneous smile spread across Kayla's face. "Actually," she surprised herself by saying, "that sounds great." The next few hours were a blur of laughter, bad karaoke singing, and cheap beer shared with colleagues. For the first time that evening, Kayla felt a genuine connection with the people around her, a sense of belonging that had nothing to do with Lance's approval. By the time the bar closed, Kayla felt pleasantly lightheaded, the earlier tension replaced by a dull ache in her feet and a newfound sense of camaraderie. Bidding farewell to her friends, she climbed into her car and started the drive back to the luxurious penthouse apartment she shared with Lance. As she entered the opulent living room, the silence hit her like a physical blow. The apartment, usually buzzing with Lance's energy, felt strangely empty. She was about to head to her own bedroom when a flicker of movement in the master bedroom doorway caught her eye. There, in the soft glow of the bedside lamp, sat Lance. He was shirtless, his broad chest and muscular arms exposed. The sight, usually a source of nervous anticipation, sent a shiver of something alien down her spine – a mix of apprehension. "Kayla," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Where have you been?" "With Lana," Kayla spat, her voice tight with barely suppressed anger. "Giving rides home to interns after a night of blatant flirting? In front of everyone?" Lance, unfazed, leaned back in the plush armchair. "Jealous, are we?" he drawled, his voice laced with amusement. "It's not about jealousy," Kayla snapped. "It's about professionalism. You wouldn't believe the gossip that will be swirling around the office tomorrow." Lance scoffed. "Let them gossip. It's none of their business." "Actually," Kayla countered, her voice gaining strength, "it is. We put on a show, Lance, a facade of a powerful couple. The least you can do is maintain some semblance of respect for that image, even if…" her voice trailed off, unable to bring herself to utter the words "you don't love me." A tense silence stretched between them, broken only by the soft tick of a clock on the mantlepiece. Then, to Kayla's surprise, Lance sighed. "Alright, you got me," he mumbled, running a hand through his mussed hair. "I apologize, Kayla. I was… out of line." The apology caught her off guard. In the years of their carefully constructed relationship, apologies were as rare as genuine affection. A sliver of curiosity nudged her forward. She approached him, her earlier anger simmering down to a wary watchfulness. But as she got closer, the scent of strong liquor hit her. His eyes, usually sharp and alert, were glazed and unfocused. Disappointment washed over her. This wasn't a genuine apology, merely the ramblings of a drunken man. "You're drunk," Kayla stated flatly, the fight draining out of her. Lance smirked, his earlier annoyance replaced by a playful glint. "Perhaps a little," he admitted slurring his words. "But that doesn't make my apology any less sincere." He reached out, his fingers brushing against hers. The touch sent a jolt through her, a spark of something unexpected. It had been so long since Lance had initiated any physical contact, and despite the circumstances, a flicker of desire ignited within her. Kayla hesitated, caught between annoyance and a strange vulnerability. For a moment, their eyes met, and in his drunken haze, there seemed to be a flicker of… something genuine? She couldn't decipher it, but it was enough to make her decide to indulge in this unexpected moment. Sighing softly, she allowed him to pull her closer, his touch electrifying a forgotten part of her. He nuzzled his face into her neck, his warm breath sending shivers down her spine. In a husky whisper, he murmured something in her ear, words laced with a raw emotion that sent a tremor through her. Tonight, of all nights, Lance Storm was showing her a side she hadn't seen in years. A side that, despite its drunken origins, was undeniably alluring. And for the first time in a long time, Kayla decided to let go and simply… feel.

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