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Fairy lights cast a warm glow across the elegantly decorated hall. Kayla, impeccably dressed in a sleek black dress that skimmed her curves, moved with practiced ease, a dazzling smile on her ruby-red lips. "Mr. Moore, so glad you could make it!" she greeted, extending a hand. The finance director, a man with a perpetually worried expression, beamed in relief. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Kayla," he said, shaking her hand firmly. "Wonderful spread you've got here." "Thanks, it took some planning!" Kayla laughed, her eyes sparkling. She glanced around, taking in the bustling crowd. A steady stream of waiters weaved through the throng, balancing trays laden with delectable canapes. Laughter and conversation filled the air, a symphony of merriment. Across the room, Sarah, a young marketing executive, watched Kayla with a mixture of admiration and envy. Kayla had a knack for making everyone feel at ease, while Sarah always felt a little awkward at these events. "She's amazing, isn't she?" Sarah confided in David, a colleague from IT. "Always on top of things," David agreed, munching on a miniature quiche. "Heard she even picked out the tablecloths herself." Kayla stopped in front of a group of senior executives, their animated conversation momentarily halting. "Gentlemen, enjoying yourselves?" she inquired, her voice warm and professional. "Absolutely, Kayla," boomed Mr. Thompson, the head of sales, clapping her on the back – a gesture that made Sarah cringe slightly. Kayla didn't flinch. "Excellent," she smiled. "Just wanted to check if there's anything you need." "Just more of these delicious canapes!" chuckled Mr. Thompson. The other executives chuckled along. Kayla's smile faltered for a brief moment, then returned, brighter than ever. "Of course," she said, her voice betraying no hint of annoyance. "I'll let the catering staff know." As Kayla moved on, Sarah leaned in to David again. "She's never ruffled, is she?" Sarah whispered. "Never," David agreed. "Mr. Thompson practically manhandled her, and she didn't bat an eyelid." "Maybe she secretly likes it," Sarah mused, watching Kayla weave through the crowd like a social butterfly. David snorted. "Doubt it. But hey, she's good at her job. Gotta give her that." Kayla scanned the room, a flicker of anxiety crossing her features. The CEO, Lance Storm, was nowhere to be seen. He wasn't known for his love of company events, but his absence would definitely put a damper on the evening. Just then, a young intern approached her, flustered. "Ms. Danvers," he stammered, "Mr. Storm is here. But… he doesn't seem happy." Kayla's smile faltered for a real moment this time. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her dress and offered the intern a reassuring smile. "Thank you, Alex," she said calmly. "Don't worry, I'll handle it." Kayla's smile, practiced as it was, couldn't quite recover its full wattage. "Mr. Storm doesn't seem happy?" she echoed, a knot forming in her stomach. "Thank you, Alex," she added mechanically, her mind racing. Why wouldn't Lance be happy? He rarely attended these events, but when he did, he at least maintained a facade of enjoyment. Steeling herself, Kayla excused herself from the group of executives and followed Alex towards the entrance. Rounding a corner, she came face to face with a sight that sent a fresh wave of unease washing over her. There, by the doorway, stood Lance Storm. He looked as impeccably dressed as ever, a sharp contrast to the young woman by his side. Lana, the newest intern in the R&D department, stood next to him, practically clinging to his arm. Her face, framed by a mane of fiery red hair, was plastered with a wide, triumphant grin. Kayla felt a pang of something sharp and unexpected – a flicker of jealousy, a raw vulnerability she hadn't felt in years. Lance, ever oblivious, boomed a greeting to the nearest group. "There you are, Kayla," he said, his voice surprisingly jovial. "Glad you could make it." The informality of his address stung. Normally, during company functions, he addressed her with a clipped formality – "Ms. Danvers" or at best, "Kayla" in a tone that left no room for misinterpretation. Tonight, however, he seemed… different. More relaxed, almost playful. A playfulness directed entirely at Lana. Kayla forced a smile, the effort making her cheeks ache. "Of course, Mr. Storm," she said, her voice as controlled as ever. Lance chuckled, a sound rarely heard in the office. "No need for formalities tonight, Kayla. Relax, have some fun." He gestured to Lana, who fluttered her eyelashes at Kayla in a way that made her want to roll her eyes. "This is Lana, by the way," Lance continued. "Our newest prodigy in R&D. She's got some truly groundbreaking ideas." He squeezed Lana's arm possessively. Lana blushed, batting her eyelashes again. "It's lovely to meet you, Ms. Danvers," she gushed. "Mr. Storm has been telling me wonderful things about you." Kayla gritted her teeth internally. Lance had never, in all their years of… whatever their arrangement was… spoken "wonderful things" about her. A forced smile was the best she could manage. "The pleasure's all mine, Lana," she said, her voice tight. She stole a glance at Lance, but his gaze was fixed on Lana, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. The party swirled around them, a cacophony of laughter and conversation. Kayla felt oddly detached, as if she were watching the scene unfold from a distance. For years, she had orchestrated these events, ensuring every detail was perfect, every guest felt welcome. Tonight, for the first time, she felt like an outsider. Suddenly, Lance turned to her, his amusement replaced by a more familiar coolness. "Come, Kayla," he said, his voice low. "There's someone I want you to meet." He took her arm, a gesture that felt oddly impersonal, and steered her through the crowd. As they walked, whispers followed them, laced with curiosity and speculation. Kayla felt a wave of heat rise to her cheeks, a mixture of anger and something else, something more vulnerable, that she couldn't quite define.
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