A Wedding Without the Groom (Part 1)

"Adeline, call Madam Vallerie grandma," Ronald urged from the other side. "Grandma," Adeline shyly complied. "Oh, you're such a good girl! Come on, come over here to me." Vallerie seated Adeline down next to her, and she looked at Adeline lovingly. "Adeline, this is Christiano's good friend, Culver Lester. He just came back from overseas," Vallerie introduced while keeping Adeline close to her.  Culver stood up gracefully. With a faint smile on his face, he stretched out his hands, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Simpson." "Hello, Mr. Lester. It's a pleasure to meet you too," Adeline politely put her hand into his to greet him. After the handshake, Culver nodded at Adeline, and turned around to speak to Madam Vallerie, "Madam Vallerie, I have other matters to attend to, I'll be leaving now." "Okay. Come visit us when you're free," Madam Vallerie said with a loving smile on her face. "Sure," Culver curtly answered. He nodded at Ronald and Adeline as a greeting, and he turned around to head out the door. Madam Vallerie urged Adeline to sit. Noticing how anxious Adeline was, she spoke to Adeline in a relaxing manner. "Adeline, don't be nervous. We're going to be a family from now on. There's no need to be shy. Just be yourself," Vallerie was getting fonder of Adeline. Adeline gave Vallerie a faint smile. She had taken a liking towards her grandmother-in-law and wanted to treat Vallerie as her own grandmother from now on. "I understand, Grandma," Adeline replied sweetly. "George, bring me what I've prepared," Vallerie smiled widely. "Yes, Madam Vallerie," said George. He then turned around happily. As cheerful as everybody was, Adeline was miserable. However, she couldn't bear to hurt the sweet lady in front of her, so she faked a front to show how happy she was. Although Adeline hid her emotions quite well, Roland could see through her pain. Ronald was heart broken to have realized that, but he had no other choice. Ronald suddenly sprung up from the sofa. He nodded at Vallerie and said, "Madam Vallerie, I'll go out and have a look. You can talk to Adeline." Adeline looked up at Ronald and gave him a knowing smile. "Okay, do what you have to do," Vallerie didn't seem to notice anything off about Ronald. "Madam Vallerie, here's what you asked for," George said, and he handed Vallerie the brocade box in his hand. Taking the box, Madam Vallerie took Adeline's hand into hers, and spoke in a much more serious tone than before, "Adeline, today is your big day. I know it's under a less ideal circumstance that you're marrying Christiano. But don't worry, we'll treat you well." "This box was given to me by my mother when I got married to Christiano's grandpa. I'll pass it to you now. Consider this as a wedding gift for your marriage with Christiano. But you must remember not to tell anyone about it, including Christiano and his parents." Realizing how valuable the box was, Adeline hurriedly declined it, "Grandma, this gift is too valuable. I can't accept it. Besides, I agreed to marry Christiano at my own will. You don't have to feel sorry for me, Grandma." Madam Vallerie placed the box in Adeline's hand with simulated anger, "If you don't accept it, I'll take it as you don't like me." "Madam Adeline, please just accept it," George urged. Adeline was stumped. She raised her head and looked at George, who bobbed his head in encouragement. Adeline had no other choice than to accept it. "Grandma, I'll keep it. So please don't be angry."

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