A Wedding Without the Groom (Part 2)

Vallerie was elated as Adeline finally accepted the gift. She caressed Adeline's face fondly and said, "Good girl." Looking at how glad Vallerie was, Adeline didn't say anything else, for it would have sounded pretentious. "Thank you, Grandma." "Madam Vallerie, the wedding is starting soon. Maybe we should let Madam Adeline go back and rest," George reminded Vallerie. "Oh, look at me! We've forgotten the time. Adeline, go back to your room, have some rest, and fix your makeup. You're the bride, and you'll be the most beautiful person today." "Then I'll be heading back, Grandma," Adeline excused herself and turned to head towards the door. ...... Adeline had just returned to the dressing room when Nicholas and Martha came in with an attractive man. Adeline looked at them with confusion written all over her face. Nicholas then said earnestly, "Adeline, let me introduce you to Christiano's younger brother, Sandrino Lockwood." Sandrino walked up to Adeline charmingly. He had distinct features, a high nose bridge, and a bright smile that was quite likable. "Nice to meet you, Adeline. We're going to be a family from now on. I'm looking forward to it," Sandrino greeted Adeline courteously. Adeline nodded, then spoke in a polite but distant manner, "Sandrino." Nicholas spoke again, "Adeline, we have something to discuss with you, and we would like your opinion." Hearing that Nicholas had something to talk about, Adeline asked immediately, "What is it?" Nicholas looked at Adeline, and then at Martha. The corners of his lips twitched, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything. Martha saw what a difficult position Nicholas was placed in. So she said slowly, "Adeline, since Christiano can't attend the wedding, we think that maybe Sandrino could represent Christiano at the wedding. What do you think?" Adeline's mind throbbed at the notion of Sandrino standing in for the wedding on behalf of Christiano. Martha noticed how surprised Adeline was, so she stepped forward to hold Adeline's hand, and she said softly, "We're doing this for you. We are worried that you'll be embarrassed standing at the altar alone." "Mom, Dad, thank you for having me in your mind. But since I've agreed to marry Christiano, I'm not afraid of what people will say," Adeline replied, and her eyes showed her determination. Seeing how persistent Adeline was about going on with the wedding alone, Nicholas didn't say anything else. He only said to Martha, "Let's follow what Adeline wants." "Thank you, Mom and Dad." Nicholas glanced at Adeline and said to her, "Get ready. It's almost time." Then, he turned and walked out to the corridor. "Don't be nervous. Just relax," Martha advised and followed her husband. At last, Sandrino smiled at her and went out too. ...... "Miss Simpson, it's time," the sweet voice of the bridesmaid's chimed. With the support of the bridesmaid, Adeline walked slowly towards Ronald. Every footstep of hers became heavier with each step she took. The bridesmaid led Adeline to Ronald. He put Adeline's hand around his arm gently, and then looked up to give her a bittersweet smile. Beautiful rose petals fluttered in the air as the dulcet wedding music played in the background. Adeline, with a bouquet in her hands, walked slowly towards the pastor under Roland's steady support. "The bride and groom may now exchange their rings," As the pastor delivered these words, whispers and murmurs began to fill the hall.

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