Marrying the Lockwood\'s Son (Part 14)

A few days later. It was the wedding day for Christiano, the son of the Lockwood family, and Adeline, the daughter of the Simpson family. Early in the morning, there were already police directing traffic. Everybody knew that Adeline's marriage to Christiano was to bring him luck. Rose petals filled the air as they were scattered down from a helicopter. Balloons and bubbles floated along in the sky. With dulcet wedding music playing, a wedding without the groom was about to begin. Adeline sat still in the dressing room while the makeup artist spruced her up. Adeline's delicate facial features, peaches-and-cream complexion, soft luscious red lips that looked kissable, coupled with the pure handmade exquisite wedding dress, made her absolutely stunning as though she was an otherworldly fairy. As she studied herself in the mirror, Adeline felt bitter because this was a wedding she never wanted. "Adeline, today is the big day for you. I wish you and Christiano a blessed marriage," Helen wished with feigned sincerity. If Adeline didn't know how Helen truly was, she would have been fooled into believing in Helen's sincerity.  Helen was thrilled at the thought of Adeline marrying the good-as-dead Christiano. Her joy was indescribable as she thought of how Adeline's mother lost to her and Adeline lost to Zoey. "Mom, what are you talking about? Did you forget that Christiano is still lying on the hospital bed? How could he and Adeline have a blessed marriage?" Zoey gloatingly added. "Oh, my! Adeline, I'm sorry. It was a slip of tongue," Unruffled, Helen played along with Zoey. Adeline turned to look at Helen and coldly said, "Aunt Helen, thank you for your blessing. If there's nothing else—" Zoey suddenly started retching. "Zoey, what's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" Helen asked worriedly. She helped Zoey to a seat, and Zoey then bashfully told her, "Mom, I'm pregnant." Adeline was startled at what Zoey said. Although Adeline told herself not to put so much thought into it, the pain in her heart was still real. "Zoey, are you really pregnant? Does Sebastian know?" Helen was so exhilarated upon hearing the news that she forgot that she was targeting Adeline a moment ago. Zoey leaned against Helen, contented. Her face gleamed as she said, "He knows. Sebastian said he's going to talk with his family before coming forward to propose." Zoey felt delighted at Adeline's startled expression. She deliberately announced the news to upset Adeline on her big day.  "Madam Adeline, nice to meet you. I'm George Aiken, Mr. Christiano's butler. Madam Vallarie had given me orders to escort you to the wedding venue. Please follow me," said George Aiken, the butler of the Lockwood family, politely. Adeline stood up and nodded at George. Right now, all she wanted was to leave this ruthless place that had left her gasping for air as soon as possible. George led Adeline to the door of a private room. He knocked on the door several times then entered. "Madam Vallarie, I've brought Madam Adeline over," George announced. Adeline walked towards the entrance and saw Vallerie and Ronald inside. Next to them was a good-looking man. He was drinking tea. "Nice to meet you, Madam Vallarie. Dad," Adeline greeted. "Adeline, you're marrying Christiano today. You should call me Grandma," said Vallarie lovingly.

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