Marrying the Lockwood\'s Son (Part 13)

"There's no way in h*ll I'm taking care of that b*tch," Helen hung up the phone and sneered. "I didn't mean to pry, but as the lady of the house, why are you being so petty with the girl? Didn't you say that she will marry Christiano in a few days?" A lavishly dressed wealthy lady commented. The more Helen thought about it, the more annoyed she became. In the end, she waved her hand goodbye and said, "I'm leaving now. Let's meet again when we're free." Then, she picked up her handbag and turned to leave. Roland stood outside for a little while. After regaining his composure, he slowly walked back into the wardroom. Then, he saw Adeline was sitting at the corner of the bed, holding the quilt in her hand, and her expression blank. He immediately went forward to her. "What's wrong, Adeline? Why aren't you resting?" Noticing the exhaustion on Ronald, Adeline felt sorry for him and said, "Dad, I want to go home. I'm feeling fine now. Can we go home?" "Sure, let's go home." Swiftly, Ronald got her discharged and brought Adeline home. ...... "Mr. Roland, Miss Adeline, you're back," said Rosa. Briskly, she went over to Adeline and supported her, then saying with compassion, "Miss Adeline, I'll help you upstairs. You can take a hot shower while I get you something to eat." Adeline smiled softly Rosa, "Thank you, Rosa." "Adeline, rest well at home. I have to attend to some work matters, and I'll come back later to keep you company when I'm done," Roland looked at Adeline apologetically and said. He should be spending more time with Adeline at home, but there were some matters in the company that if he didn't deal with it personally, the consequences would be dire. "Dad, go ahead. I'm fine."  "Okay." "Rosa, take good care of Miss Adeline," Ronald instructed before turning away and left. Knock-knock. Adeline had just finished showering and was about to rest in bed when she heard a knock on the door. Sometimes, one didn't want to cause trouble, but trouble came knocking on the door. Adeline hesitated, but in the end, she went to open the door. "I heard you were hospitalized yesterday. I was worried sick. But now that I know you're fine, I'm relieved." Zoey was wearing a pink dress, and her skin was fair and rosy. She obviously had just returned home from somewhere. "Thank you for your concern, Zoey. If there's nothing else, I'd like to rest." Adeline turned and was about to close the door when she heard Zoey's pretentious laughter. "Do you know where I went today?" Zoey asked as she raised her chin with a triumphant look on her face. Zoey walked up to Adeline and voiced slowly, "I was with Sebastian the whole of yesterday till today." Adeline felt a stab in her heart as she heard Sebastian's name. To her, that name was a wound that needed time to heal. "Congratulations, Zoey. Taking other people's leftovers needs courage," Adeline looked so unconcerned that it irritated Zoey. Zoey clenched her hands tightly. She took a deep breath, and then she put on a sweet smile. "Adeline, we both know that you're going to marry Christiano soon. Although I met Sebastian at a much later time than you did, at least Sebastian is a living able person. Unlike yours. He's a—" At that moment, Adeline felt that Zoey was exactly like a clown; she was really pitiful. Adeline cut Zoey short, "Zoey, at least what I've got is not what others don't want. But what you have is what I've left behind." And then, she slammed her door shut. "Adeline!" Zoey hissed. She clenched her hands tightly, but there was nothing she could do.

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