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Over the next few weeks, Mara threw herself into the gala preparations. She spent hours poring over guest lists, cross-referencing RSVPs, and creating intricate seating charts. The theme of the gala was "A Night Under the Stars," and Mara worked closely with the decorating team to ensure every detail was perfect. One particularly hectic afternoon, as Mara was finalizing the seating arrangements, Lisa appeared at her desk, a frown etched on her face. "Mara, we need to talk about these seating charts," Lisa said, her voice laced with frustration. Mara suppressed a sigh. "What seems to be the problem, Lisa?" "You've seated me next to that insufferable Mr. Thompson from Accounting," Lisa complained. "You know he always tries to bore me with stories about his stamp collection." Mara pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling a headache coming on. "Lisa, I've tried to accommodate everyone's preferences, but with over 200 guests, it's impossible to make everyone happy." "But surely you can move me? What about that handsome new client from marketing? Couldn't I sit next to him instead?" Lisa persisted. "Lisa, the seating arrangements are based on department interactions and networking opportunities, not personal preferences," Mara explained patiently. Lisa huffed, crossing her arms. "Well, I think it's ridiculous. I won't be able to enjoy the gala at all if I'm stuck next to Mr. Stamp Collector all night." As Lisa stomped away, Mara couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration. It seemed like no matter how hard she tried, someone always had a complaint. Just as she was about to dive back into her work, her phone buzzed with a text from Andy: "Hey beautiful, meet me at La Luna tonight at 8. I've got a surprise for you. Love you!" Mara's heart fluttered at the message. Despite the stress of the gala planning, the thought of a romantic dinner with Andy was enough to lift her spirits. That evening, as Mara entered La Luna, she was struck by the intimate atmosphere. Soft candlelight flickered across the tables, and the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of gourmet cuisine. Andy stood as she approached, pulling her into a warm embrace. "You look stunning," he murmured, pressing a kiss to her cheek. As they settled into their seats, Mara couldn't help but notice how attentive Andy was being. He held her hand across the table, his thumb tracing gentle circles on her skin. "This is wonderful, Andy," Mara said, smiling. "What's the occasion?" Andy's eyes sparkled mischievously. "Do I need an occasion to spoil my beautiful fiancée?" Just as Mara was about to respond, Andy's phone buzzed. He glanced at it, a frown briefly crossing his face before he schooled his features into a neutral expression. "Sorry, I need to take this," he said apologetically, stepping away from the table. Mara watched as Andy paced near the restaurant's entrance, his voice low and intense. She couldn't make out the words, but his body language suggested the call was important. When Andy returned to the table, Mara couldn't help but ask, "Is everything okay?" Andy's smile seemed a bit forced as he replied, "Everything's fine, babe. Just some work stuff. Nothing for you to worry about." Mara nodded, wanting to believe him. She pushed aside her doubts, focusing instead on enjoying their meal and discussing their upcoming wedding. However, as the evening progressed, Andy's phone buzzed two more times, each call pulling him away from the table. By the time dessert arrived, Mara couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. "Andy," she said softly, reaching for his hand. "Are you sure everything's alright? You seem... distracted." Andy squeezed her hand, his eyes meeting hers with an intensity that both reassured and unsettled her. "Mara, I promise you, everything is fine. Better than fine, actually. I know I've been a bit distant lately, but it's all going to make sense soon. Just trust me, okay?" Mara searched his face, wanting desperately to believe him. "Okay," she said finally. "I trust you." As they left the restaurant, Andy pulled her close, kissing her deeply. "I love you," he whispered against her lips. "Never forget that." The next day at work, Mara found herself once again in the middle of office drama. As she approached the reception area, she could hear raised voices coming from the file room. "I can't believe you lost it!" Lisa's shrill voice echoed through the hallway. "That file was crucial for the Henderson account!" "I didn't lose anything!" Jenna shot back, her usually calm demeanor clearly frayed. "If you had filed it properly in the first place, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Mara took a deep breath before stepping into the room. "What's going on here?" she asked, her voice firm but calm. Both women turned to her, speaking over each other in their haste to explain. Mara held up a hand, silencing them both. "One at a time, please. Lisa, you go first." Lisa huffed, shooting a glare at Jenna. "I gave Jenna the Henderson file to update last week. Now it's missing, and we have a meeting with them tomorrow!" Jenna rolled her eyes. "I updated the file and put it back exactly where it was supposed to go. It's not my fault if someone else moved it!" The argument escalated, with both women accusing each other of incompetence and carelessness. Mara tried to mediate, but their emotions were running too high. "It was probably that new intern," Lisa snapped. "He's always messing things up!" "Oh, please," Jenna retorted. "If anyone's to blame, it's probably Karen. You know she loves to snoop through other people's files!" As the accusations grew more outlandish, Mara couldn't help but notice the absurdity of the situation. Here were two grown women, pointing fingers at everyone but themselves. Finally, Jenna seemed to realize how ridiculous they were being. She let out a small chuckle, shaking her head. "Listen to us," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice. "We're acting like children. Maybe instead of blaming everyone in the office, we should actually look for the file?" Lisa blinked, as if the thought hadn't occurred to her. "I... I suppose you're right," she admitted grudgingly. Mara seized the moment of calm. "Okay, let's approach this systematically. We'll start by retracing our steps and checking all the usual filing locations. If we work together, I'm sure we'll find it in no time." As the three women set about searching for the missing file, the tension in the room gradually dissipated. By the time they found the file (misfiled under 'H' for Henderson instead of the correct client code), Lisa and Jenna were even sharing a laugh about their earlier behavior. Crisis averted, Mara returned to her desk, feeling drained but satisfied. However, her momentary peace was shattered by a text from Andy: "Babe, I'm so sorry, but I have to cancel our weekend plans. Last-minute business trip came up. Rain check?" Disappointment washed over Mara. She had been looking forward to spending quality time with Andy, especially with how busy and distracted he'd been lately. Sighing, she typed out a reply: "No worries, I understand. Have a safe trip. Love you." As she set down her phone, Jenna appeared at her desk, a concerned look on her face. "Everything okay, Mara? You look upset." Mara forced a smile. "I'm fine. Andy just had to cancel our weekend plans. Work stuff, you know?" Jenna's frown deepened. "Again? That's becoming a habit, isn't it?" Mara shrugged, not wanting to voice the doubts swirling in her mind. "It's just a busy time at his office. Anyway, I was thinking of using the weekend to work on some wedding preparations. Want to help?" Jenna's face lit up. "Absolutely! We could turn it into a girls' weekend. Wine, wedding magazines, and all the cake samples we can eat!" Mara laughed, feeling some of her tension ease. "That sounds perfect."

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