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As Mara approached, she recognized the voices of Lisa and Betty, two of her fellow receptionists. Their argument seemed to be escalating rapidly. "I can't believe you're blaming me for this!" Lisa's shrill voice rang out. "It's not my fault you can't file a simple document correctly!" "Me?" Betty shot back, her voice equally heated. "You're the one who misfiled it in the first place! If you had just admitted your mistake instead of trying to cover it up-" Mara took a deep breath, steeling herself before stepping into the fray. "Ladies," she said firmly, causing both women to turn and look at her. "What seems to be the problem here?" Lisa and Betty began talking over each other, each trying to pin the blame on the other. From what Mara could gather, an important document had been misfiled, causing confusion and delays in processing a VIP client's request. "Okay, okay," Mara said, holding up her hands. "Let's take a step back and approach this calmly. Pointing fingers isn't going to solve anything." She turned to Lisa. "Lisa, can you walk me through what happened from your perspective?" As Lisa explained her side of the story, Mara noticed Betty's face growing redder by the second. Before Betty could interrupt, Mara held up a hand. "Thank you, Lisa. Now, Betty, I'd like to hear your side." By the time both women had shared their versions of events, Mara had a clearer picture of what had transpired. It seemed that a series of miscommunications and assumptions had led to the current situation. "Alright," Mara said, her voice calm but authoritative. "It's clear that there were mistakes made on both sides here. Instead of assigning blame, let's focus on how we can fix this and prevent it from happening again." She suggested implementing a new filing system with double-checks to ensure accuracy. Both Lisa and Betty grudgingly agreed, though the tension between them was still palpable. As the two women left the break room, Mara couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Crisis averted, at least for now. The morning passed quickly, with Mara throwing herself into her work to avoid dwelling on the lingering office tension. By the time her coffee break rolled around, she was more than ready for a distraction. As if on cue, Jenna appeared at her desk, two steaming cups of coffee in hand. "You look like you could use this," she said, setting one of the cups in front of Mara. Mara smiled gratefully, inhaling the rich aroma. "You have no idea. It's been quite a morning." As they settled into their usual spot in the break room, Jenna leaned forward, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "So, I had an idea," she began. "With all the stress of wedding planning and work drama, I thought maybe we could use a little pampering." Mara raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What did you have in mind?" "A spa day!" Jenna exclaimed. "You, me, massages, facials, the works. We could do it the weekend before the wedding. A little pre-nuptial relaxation." The idea was tempting. Mara could feel the tension in her shoulders just thinking about it. "That does sound amazing," she admitted. "Great!" Jenna clapped her hands together. "I'll make the reservations. Trust me, after this, you'll be floating down the aisle." As they chatted about spa treatments and wedding details, Mara felt some of the morning's stress begin to melt away. She was lucky to have a friend like Jenna, someone who always seemed to know just what she needed. Their break was interrupted by a commotion near the reception desk. Mara looked up to see a familiar figure striding through the lobby, a takeout bag in hand. "Andy?" she said, surprise and delight coloring her voice as she stood to greet him. Andy's face broke into a wide smile as he spotted her. "Surprise!" he said, holding up the bag. "I thought I'd bring you lunch." Mara's heart swelled at the gesture. This was so unlike Andy, who was usually too caught up in work to make impromptu visits. "This is wonderful," she said, reaching up to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. As they settled at a nearby table to eat, Mara couldn't help but notice that Andy seemed slightly distracted. His eyes kept darting to his watch, and he seemed to be only half-listening to her as she told him about her morning. "Is everything okay?" she asked, unable to keep the concern from her voice. Andy's head snapped up, a guilty look flashing across his face before being replaced by a reassuring smile. "Of course, babe. Just a lot on my mind with work. You know how it is." Mara nodded, trying to ignore the pang of doubt that flared in her chest. She was probably just being oversensitive, reading too much into things after the emotional rollercoaster of the past few days. As they finished their lunch, Andy glanced at his watch again. "I hate to eat and run," he said apologetically, "but I've got a meeting in twenty minutes." Mara forced a smile, pushing down her disappointment. "Of course. Thanks for coming by. It was a lovely surprise." Andy leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "I love you," he murmured. "Don't work too hard, okay?" As she watched him hurry out of the lobby, Mara felt a confusing mix of emotions swirling in her chest. Andy's gesture had been sweet and thoughtful, but something still felt... off. She shook her head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. Andy loved her. He'd proven that time and time again. Whatever was going on with him at work, it didn't change that fundamental truth. As Mara settled into her desk Monday morning, Mr. Jenkins approached with an air of excitement. "Mara, I have a special assignment for you," he announced, his usually stern face breaking into a rare smile. Mara looked up, curiosity piqued. "What is it, Mr. Jenkins?" "The company has decided to host a charity gala next month, and I want you to be part of the organizing committee," he explained. "It's a big opportunity to showcase our department's skills and network with potential clients." Mara's heart raced with a mix of excitement and anxiety. "That sounds like a great opportunity, sir. What exactly will I be responsible for?" Mr. Jenkins handed her a thick folder. "You'll be working on guest list management, seating arrangements, and coordinating with the catering team. I know it's a lot, but I have faith in your organizational skills." As Mr. Jenkins walked away, Mara flipped through the folder, her mind already buzzing with ideas and potential challenges. This was a chance to prove herself, but it also meant added stress on top of her regular duties and wedding planning.

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