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That weekend, Mara's apartment transformed into wedding central. She and Jenna spread out bridal magazines, fabric swatches, and color palettes across every available surface. "Okay," Jenna said, clipboard in hand. "We need to finalize the floral arrangements, confirm the menu with the caterer, and start working on the seating chart for the reception." Mara nodded, feeling a bit overwhelmed. "Right. Let's start with the flowers. I was thinking of going with roses and lilies for the centerpieces..." As they worked their way through the to-do list, Mara found herself constantly checking her phone, hoping for a message from Andy. The lack of communication was starting to wear on her. Jenna noticed her friend's distraction. "Mara," she said gently, "is everything okay with you and Andy? You seem... I don't know, worried?" Mara sighed, setting down the fabric swatch she'd been examining. "I don't know, Jenna. Things have been... off lately. Andy's been so distant, always working late or going on business trips. And when we are together, he seems distracted." Jenna reached out, squeezing Mara's hand. "Have you talked to him about it?" "I've tried," Mara admitted. "But he always brushes it off, says it's just work stress. And I want to believe him, I do. It's just..." "You're having doubts," Jenna finished for her. Mara nodded, feeling a lump form in her throat. "Is it normal to feel this way so close to the wedding? To have these... these fears?" Jenna pulled Mara into a hug. "Oh, honey. It's completely normal to have doubts and fears. Planning a wedding is stressful enough without adding work drama and communication issues to the mix." Mara pulled back, wiping away a stray tear. "But what if it's more than that? What if Andy's having second thoughts?" "Mara, look at me," Jenna said firmly. "I've seen the way Andy looks at you. That man is head over heels in love with you. Whatever's going on with him at work, I'm sure it doesn't change how he feels about you or your future together." Mara took a deep breath, letting Jenna's words sink in. "You're right. I'm probably just letting the stress get to me." Jenna smiled, giving Mara's hand another squeeze. "That's what I'm here for. To talk you down from the ledge and remind you of what's important. Now, let's focus on something positive. Tell me again about your first dance song?" As Mara launched into the story of how she and Andy had chosen their first dance song, she felt some of her anxiety start to melt away. Whatever challenges lay ahead, she had Andy's love and the support of friends like Jenna. That had to be enough. The rest of the weekend passed in a flurry of wedding preparations and girl talk. By Sunday evening, Mara felt more centered and optimistic. She had made significant progress on the wedding plans, and Jenna's unwavering support had helped quell her doubts. As she tidied up the last of the wedding magazines, Mara's phone buzzed with a text from Andy: "Just landed. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Love you more than words can say." Mara smiled, her heart warming at the message. Whatever was going on with Andy, their love was still strong. She just had to trust in that and focus on their future together. With renewed determination, Mara set about preparing for the week ahead. The charity gala was approaching fast, and she had a mountain of work to tackle. But with her wedding plans coming together and Andy's love to look forward to, she felt ready to face whatever challenges came her way. As she crawled into bed that night, Mara allowed herself to dream of her future with Andy. The doubts and fears that had plagued her earlier seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of excitement and anticipation. Whatever hurdles they faced, they would face them together. After all, isn't that what marriage was all about? With that comforting thought, Mara drifted off to sleep, a smile playing on her lips as she dreamed of white dresses, twinkling lights, and Andy's loving gaze as she walked down the aisle towards their future together. As Monday morning dawned, Mara steeled herself for another hectic week at The Keppler Heritage. She had barely settled at her desk when raised voices from the conference room caught her attention. With a sigh, she made her way towards the commotion, recognizing the voices of Lisa and Tom. "You can't just promise the client something we can't deliver!" Lisa's shrill voice echoed through the hallway. "I didn't promise anything we can't handle," Tom shot back, his face red with frustration. "You're just not thinking creatively enough!" Mara took a deep breath before entering the room. "What seems to be the problem here?" she asked, her voice calm but authoritative. Both Lisa and Tom turned to her, speaking over each other in their haste to explain. Mara held up a hand, silencing them both. "One at a time, please. Lisa, you go first." Lisa huffed, shooting a glare at Tom. "Tom here just got off a call with the Johnsons. They're one of our biggest clients, and they want to book the entire hotel for a corporate retreat next month. But we don't have the availability!" Tom rolled his eyes. "We do if we move some things around. The Johnsons are willing to pay top dollar for this. We can't afford to lose their business!" Mara felt a headache coming on. The Johnsons were indeed one of their most valuable clients, but accommodating such a large group on short notice would be a logistical nightmare. "Okay," Mara said, taking charge of the situation. "First things first. Tom, did you make any firm commitments to the Johnsons?" Tom shifted uncomfortably. "Not exactly. I told them we'd do our best to accommodate them, but I didn't confirm anything." Mara nodded, relief washing over her. "Good. That gives us some wiggle room. Lisa, can you pull up our bookings for next month?" As Lisa pulled up the calendar on her tablet, Mara's mind raced with potential solutions. She scanned the bookings, noting a few smaller groups that might be willing to reschedule for a discount. "Alright," Mara said, a plan forming in her mind. "Here's what we're going to do. Tom, call the Johnsons back. Tell them we're working on accommodating their request, but we need 24 hours to confirm. Lisa, I need you to reach out to these three groups," she pointed to the screen, "and see if they'd be willing to reschedule for a 20% discount and a complimentary spa package." Tom and Lisa nodded, seeming relieved to have a clear direction. "In the meantime," Mara continued, "I'll speak with Mr. Jenkins about possibly opening up some of the executive suites we usually keep in reserve. If we can make this work, it could be a huge win for the hotel." As Tom and Lisa set about their tasks, Mara felt a sense of accomplishment. Crisis averted, at least for now. The next 24 hours were a whirlwind of negotiations, rescheduling, and creative problem-solving. Mara worked tirelessly, coordinating between different departments to make the impossible possible. Finally, on Tuesday afternoon, Mara stood before Mr. Jenkins, presenting their solution. "...and with the Andersons agreeing to move their wedding to our sister property, and the executive suites being made available, we can accommodate the Johnsons' entire group," Mara concluded, trying to hide her exhaustion. Mr. Jenkins nodded approvingly. "Excellent work, Mara. This is exactly the kind of initiative and problem-solving we need. The Johnsons' retreat could open up a whole new market for us in corporate events." As Mara left Mr. Jenkins' office, she felt a mix of pride and fatigue. She had barely made it back to her desk when Jenna appeared, concern etched on her face. "Mara, you look exhausted," Jenna said, frowning. "When was the last time you took a break?" Mara smiled weakly. "I'm fine, Jenna. Just been a busy couple of days." Jenna shook her head. "Nope, not accepting that. We're going out for drinks after work. No arguments." Too tired to protest, Mara nodded. "You know what? That sounds perfect."

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