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Mara's heels clicked against the polished floor of The Keppler Heritage's lobby as she made her way to the reception desk. The air was thick with tension, and she could hear hushed whispers even before she rounded the corner. As she approached, she saw a small group of her coworkers huddled together, their heads bent in conspiratorial conversation. At the center of it all was Karen, the office gossip, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she regaled her captive audience. Mara caught snippets of the conversation as she drew closer. "...saw them coming out of the supply closet together..." "...lipstick on his collar..." "...wonder what his wife would say if she knew..." Mara cleared her throat loudly, causing the group to disperse quickly, guilty looks on their faces. Karen, however, seemed unfazed. "Morning, Mara!" she chirped, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Have you heard the latest?" Mara sighed, setting down her bag. "Karen, you know I don't like to get involved in office gossip." Karen leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a stage whisper. "But this is big, Mara. I'm talking affair-between-two-executives big." Despite herself, Mara felt a flicker of curiosity. "Karen, that's a serious accusation. You shouldn't spread rumors like that without proof." Karen waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, I have proof alright. But if you don't want to know..." She trailed off, clearly hoping Mara would take the bait. Mara shook her head, turning to her computer. "I really don't, Karen. Let's focus on work, shall we?" As Karen sauntered away, looking slightly deflated, Mara tried to push the gossip out of her mind. She had more important things to focus on, like the Henderson account meeting she needed to schedule. However, as she scrolled through her emails, Karen's words kept echoing in her mind. An affair between executives? It seemed so cliché, like something out of a bad romance novel. And yet... Mara shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. This distraction was exactly why she didn't like to engage with office gossip. She needed to concentrate on her work. She pulled up the calendar to schedule the Henderson meeting, double-checking the available time slots. Just as she was about to send out the invitation, her phone buzzed with a text from Andy. Smiling, she picked it up, eager for a pleasant distraction. "Can't wait to see you tonight. Love you," the message read. Mara felt a warm glow in her chest as she typed out a quick reply. Maybe she had been overreacting to Andy's recent behavior. He clearly still cared about her. With renewed focus, she turned back to her computer to finalize the meeting details. However, as she clicked 'Send' on the invitation, a nagging feeling tugged at the back of her mind. Something wasn't quite right... It wasn't until Mr. Jenkins, her boss, stormed out of his office an hour later that Mara realized her mistake. "Mara!" he bellowed, his face red with anger. "What's this I hear about you scheduling the Henderson meeting for 3 AM?" Mara's stomach dropped as she quickly pulled up the calendar. To her horror, she saw that she had indeed scheduled the meeting for the middle of the night. "Mr. Jenkins, I'm so sorry," she stammered, her face burning with embarrassment. "I must have misclicked when I was setting the time. I'll fix it right away." Mr. Jenkins pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly trying to keep his temper in check. "This is unacceptable, Mara. The Hendersons are one of our biggest clients. This kind of carelessness could cost us their business." "It won't happen again, sir," Mara promised, her voice small. As Mr. Jenkins stalked back to his office, Mara slumped in her chair, mortified. How could she have made such a stupid mistake? She prided herself on her attention to detail. The rest of the morning passed in a blur of corrective emails and profuse apologies. By lunchtime, Mara felt drained and disheartened. She was about to head to the break room when the delivery man arrived, carrying a beautiful bouquet of roses. "Delivery for Mara Aniston," he announced, looking around the office. Mara stood up, confusion and excitement warring within her. "That's me," she said, stepping forward to sign for the flowers. As she read the card attached to the bouquet, her heart swelled with emotion: "I'm sorry for being distant lately. I promise I'll make it up to you soon. There's a special surprise coming. All my love, Andy." Mara clutched the card to her chest, a smile spreading across her face. This was exactly what she needed after such a rough morning. Whatever doubts she had been harboring about Andy melted away in the face of this sweet gesture. As she arranged the flowers on her desk, ignoring the curious glances from her coworkers, Mara made a decision. She was going to make tonight special for Andy. He deserved it after all the stress he'd been under at work. The rest of the workday passed in a blur of anticipation. As soon as the clock struck five, Mara was out the door, her mind already racing with plans for the evening. At home, Mara set about creating the perfect romantic atmosphere. She dimmed the lights, setting out candles throughout the apartment. Soft jazz played in the background as she prepared Andy's favorite meal - herb-crusted salmon with roasted vegetables. In the bathroom, she ran a bubble bath, adding rose petals and scented oils to the water. A bottle of chilled champagne waited nearby, along with two crystal flutes. As she put the finishing touches on the table setting, Mara heard the key turn in the lock. Her heart raced with excitement as Andy walked in, his eyes widening as he took in the scene before him. "Mara," he breathed, a slow smile spreading across his face. "What's all this?" Mara approached him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Just a little something to show you how much I appreciate you," she murmured, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. Andy pulled her closer, deepening the kiss. When they finally parted, both were slightly breathless. "It's perfect," Andy said, his eyes shining with emotion. "You're perfect." They sat down to dinner, the conversation flowing easily between them. Mara felt all her earlier doubts and worries melt away as she watched Andy laugh at her jokes, his hand reaching across the table to intertwine with hers. After dinner, Mara led Andy to the bathroom, where the bubble bath awaited them. As they sank into the warm, fragrant water, Andy pulled Mara close, his lips finding the sensitive spot on her neck. "I love you," he murmured against her skin. "So much." Mara turned in his arms, her heart full to bursting. "I love you too," she whispered before capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. As their kisses grew more heated, hands exploring familiar territory with renewed fervor, Mara felt any lingering doubts disappear completely. This was where she belonged, in Andy's arms, their love a tangible force surrounding them. Later, as they lay tangled in the sheets, Mara's head resting on Andy's chest, she felt a sense of peace settle over her. Whatever challenges they faced, whatever misunderstandings arose, their love was strong enough to weather any storm. With that comforting thought, Mara drifted off to sleep, a contented smile on her face. The next morning, Mara arrived at the office feeling refreshed and optimistic. The events of the previous night had reassured her of Andy's love and commitment, and she was determined not to let office drama or gossip affect her mood. However, her resolve was quickly tested as she stepped into the reception area. The air crackled with tension, and raised voices could be heard coming from the break room.

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