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CHAPTER 8 A meeting with Mr. Wulvric

Elodia suddenly felt that the sexy spaghetti strap dress she was wearing was a bit excessively revealing. Thinking of this, she glanced cautiously at Victoria, only to find that she had been chatting happily with a muscular sports guy in the corner, almost sticking to him. Seeing her gaze, Victoria even gave her a thumbs-up gesture, then completely ignored her. 'So much for killing him' she thought of Victoria's words to Xavier. "Hello Elly" a voice she know all too well voiced beside her, shocking her out of her thoughts. She slowly started up at Xavier, his bright gray eyes looking intently at her. "Congratulations on your graduation ceremony Elodia" his voice was gentle and sweet but she did notice the change of names he used. "Ummm…. Thank you. Congratulations to you too Mr. Boris" she replied formally. She was not happy. She was not happy at all. Her fist clenched in anger, her finely painted nails fiercely pinching the soft flesh of her palm. Whether it was her illusion or not, the Xavier Boris in front of her seemed a bit dazed, his eyes showing a hint of pain, which disappeared in the blink of an eye. "May I sit" He had the guts to ask. Her blood boiled at the Audacity of this bastard. After what he did, he didn't explain or apologize and now he wants to sit with me? "No, you may not" How could she have fallen for such a scumbag like him, "I have a lot to say but I better not waste my words on such a lowlife," she said, placing her pause on the sit beside her. "You may sit. It's all yours" Elodia said, picking her bag and walking away. She just needs a cold champagne to cool her head. The food court was filled with different delicacies but she dragged the huge bottle of champagne. She needs no class to consume it. "Well, isn't that too big for a frail girl like you should consume" A deep baritone voice shocked her out of her world, spraying the opener champagne onto his Tux. She looked up at the very tall man in an expensive tuxedo. Her breath hiked. She was struck by the man's sharp gaze. He was exceptionally handsome, even more so than any male model she had seen. He was looking at her with resentment as if he wanted to kill her on the spot! "I'm very sorry, are you okay" she asked, quickly rushing towards him, "Here, let me clean it" Elodia dusted the wet Tuxedo with her handkerchief. The man angrily grabbed the cloth from her hand, wiping the stain himself. 'Oh moon goddess, why do you make me feel so much for this problematic striking girl' he thought. Instead of letting her clean his Tux, he immediately removed it instead, exposing the white shirt underneath. Exposing his defined muscles which made Elodia pause her breath. "Thank you Elodia," he said, making Elodia pause. How did he know her name? She never met him before, yet he looked at her with an intriguing, almost devouring gaze. King Wulvric grinned slowly, "You're the representative speaker of today's graduation. Everyone does know you". He left out the event that occurred last night. From childhood to adulthood, even his parents had never treated him like she did before. He would have ended her existence's long time but her purity and uniqueness make him infatuated with her. "Oh, that's right. I completely forgot" Elodia said, bringing a handshake to him, "And you are?" "Your knight in shining armor!" King Wulvric replied, lightly laughing at her unimpressed expression. "I'm Wulvric…. Wulvric Cador" he accepted her handshake. "Nice meeting you sir," she said respectfully bowing, "but I'd rather call you Mr. Handsome Model" She laughed. The audacity of this human makes him want to melt. Just who is she? "So, are you here with a man?" He asked. Elodia looked at the gorgeous face of Wulvric, his expression showing anticipation "Well, I'm here with my best friend. I just broke up with my ex" Hearing the part where she broke up with her boyfriend brought delight to Wulvric's heart. "Well, I have no date either. Be my date for today, yeah?" Elodia smiled. Her smile was bright and sweet, devoid of any fear or apprehension. The golden sunlight streamed in from behind her, like a pair of golden wings spreading behind her. The man in front of her stared at her for a long time, she could hear his heart pounding loudly, strong, and fast. She was so close to him and she suddenly felt something touch her waist, and looking down, she saw the man... that! To be honest, it was the first time she had seen something like that up close, and for a moment, she felt all the blood in her body rush to her brain, leaving her feeling dumbfounded! The man also lowered his head, seeing his fully alive little brother, then chuckled lightly: "You see the reaction you're causing!" Elodia's face reddened. "Maybe... you should go deal with that first? Haha, sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you." "Hahahhahaha" Elodia burst out laughing. Even she would fall in love with herself in this dress. Wulvric covered his nose with one hand, glaring fiercely at her, ordering in a tone that brooked no argument: "I'll go deal with it, wait here!" She paused her lips while watching him dash away to what she guessed was the bathroom. Elodia stood waiting for the handsome model man. She saw Victoria standing just a few feet from her. Her eyes were darting around as if searching for something. When her gaze met Elodia's, she visibly relaxed, and even her sluggish pace picked up. "It's almost time for your speech, you're going to miss it." She dragged Elodia away. As much as she wanted to talk to Wulvric, she had no choice as her friend practically dragged her. Elodia almost had the speech memorized, even though she got completely drunk last night. She hadn't had a chance to look at the script all day today, but the words flowed effortlessly from her mind. As she finished her speech with enthusiasm and casually scanned the audience, her gaze inevitably landed on Xavier. He sat there as if he emitted light, effortlessly drawing everyone's attention. When he noticed her looking at him, he even had the nerve to smile back at her charmingly. What a scumbag! Elodia thought, rolling her eyes and withdrawing her gaze, maintaining a composed smile as she stepped down from the stage. The next segment was speeches from the school principal. "Students, quiet down for a moment. We must acknowledge that the peak and triumph of our school cannot be achieved without the help of many kind-hearted individuals! And among them, the one about to speak next has embraced the most generosity and kindness, which have greatly benefited our school..." Elodia didn't have the patience to listen any further. She just zoned out. She felt a tug to her gown, "Oh, sweetheart! Come with me to the restroom! I think my period just started!" Elodia's eyes widened, and without a moment's delay, she let Victoria pull her away. Today, Victoria had deliberately worn a pure white dress to complement her sexy and charming chocolate-colored skin. If she didn't put on a pad in time, it would be a disaster. And this disaster would make proud Victoria unable to hold her head up in front of everyone!

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