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CHAPTER 4 The handsome Mysterious man

The man was stunned, and his intense stare softened slightly. Then he looked her up and down. Elodia had never felt so confident, it must be the liquor in her system. She would normally shy away from a mere stare from this model-like man. Just as her hand grasped the man's tie, pulling his huge body closer, a voice called out from the crowd, breaking the spell. "Elodia, what are you doing?" It was Victoria, looking confused and a little perplexed. Now, almost everyone's attention was fixed on Elodia as she froze, her hand still tugging on the man's tie. She turned to Victoria, her mind racing for an explanation. But the words wouldn't come, her mind swirling in confusion. She glanced back at the man and saw that his expression was one of amusement and interest. He appeared to be relishing the spectacle. Everyone continued to stare at the beautiful drunk Elodia but nobody was contagious to move closer to them. They seemed to be afraid of something. Elodia's heart fluttered at the new version of herself, people seemed to be intimidated by her, unbeknownst to it being the presence of the domineering figure with his tie wrapped around her small fingers. "Elly, you're drunk now. Let's get back home okay" Victoria tried to reason with her but she hastily shook her head. "Xavier betrayed me and now it's my turn to do the same. I will have sex with this sexy model" Elly whispered drunkily. Victoria nodded in understanding, walking away. "Make sure you call me if you need anything, okay sweetheart," Victoria said but only a wave from Elly was her reply. "Do you know who I am?" The handsome model man said, his deep voice rebounding right into her eyes making her sign dreamily. "Nope, and I don't care. Just take me….hiccup " It felt like her brain had been kicked multiple times, and she couldn't think anymore. Her whole body wanted this man in front of her. To everyone, This scene was like a patron harassing a hostess. But the patron was Falcona, dressed in a white dress as innocent as a daisy, and the hostess was a man exuding a cold and domineering aura. As if amused by this scene, the man raised an eyebrow, the angle of his lips turning wicked and dangerous. No one had ever dared to speak to him like this, it was interesting. His gelled slicked hair shone brightly. He crossed his legs leisurely, moved his nose slightly towards her, grabbed her wrist, and brought her closer to him, the hot breath hitting her face, carrying the characteristic spicy scent of wormwood liquor: "You dare to be unruly at such a young age, be careful not to burn yourself... my little miss! They might be dangerous at every corner" The unfamiliar heat from the man-made her face burned, and the petals suddenly pressed against the man's desire-filled lips, and he also reacted because of her. This kind of primitive response from her body was something she had never experienced before, making her secretly proud. Pouting discontentedly, she reached her hand out, brushing it against the man's thick abs. The muscles between them formed distinct grooves, making her reluctant to let go, her fingertips tracing those lines, her tone becoming more dominant. The sweet scent of liquor hung around the air, increasing the tension. "I choose to be Unruly, I want to play with fire!" The man's gaze became increasingly intense, his body heat seeping through the fabric, making her blood boil. "You're particularly bold, aren't you?" he said, his voice low and perilous. "Are you sure you know what you're getting yourself into?" Elodia met his gaze, unafraid. "I'm not afraid of a slight danger," she purred. "I'd rather enjoy it if may add, makes it more exciting". The man's eyes narrowed, and a small evil smile tugged at the corner of his lips."Since the warning didn't work... willful miss, let's see how much excitement you can handle". He made a few hand gestures, and then several men in black dragged her drunk body up. "Take her to my room" The man demanded. Elodia looked around confused at where she was being led to, "Hey, let me go. What the hell do you think you're doing?" She yelled. "Hey" Everyone in the room heard her cries, and the entire entertainment venue echoed her shouts. Countless eyes were drawn to her, but when they followed her gaze to the target of her shouts, they quickly averted their eyes, nervously avoiding looking at him. Fear is evident in their eyes. Even the mocking laughter of a group of individuals ceased, silenced by the presence they dared not provoke. Elodia continued to shout and struggle, kicking and thrashing with all her might: "Let me go! Where are you taking me?!" Then suddenly, she was thrown into a room, landing on a luxurious carpet, but surprisingly feeling no pain. Elodia rubbed her sore wrists and surveyed the room, which was as luxurious as a noble palace. She stood up and walked towards the liquor cabinet, where an array of fine wines were displayed behind crystal-clear glass, resembling art pieces, tempting her. Falcone staggered to the display cabinet, fingers clutching the glass edge, but accidentally cut herself. Crimson blood beads quickly emerged from the opening, and she cursed as she sucked on her finger, her gaze naturally falling on the shadow reflected in the window: "Wow, What a round moon!" The moon was perfectly full today. It was beautiful. She felt a strong wind rush passed her, blowing her free hair into a frenzy. She looked up and saw the male model she just spoke to. "Oh, it's you. I thought you ran away!" The man snickered at such a naive girl. He's the leader of the Black Wolves and he owns this club, so his running away from ordinary humans is absurd. The man's figure walked towards the open curtain, his long fingers gripping the fabric as he slowly drew the curtains closed, bathing the room in shadows. But his gaze was like that of a beast discovering its prey, staring at her as if he wanted to devour her in the next moment: "You're mine" he sneered, making Elodia shiver from his domineering act. "Tonight, I will give you a lesson, a lesson in playing with fire..." His words make her body burn in hot flames. His gaze shifted downward, deliberately or unintentionally brushing over her soaked lingerie. A soft moan escaped her parted lips as it was caught in a deep kiss. In one swift motion, the man pulled her onto his lap, his lips still joined against hers. Elodia gasped as his lips pressed harder against hers, and his hands found their way to her thigh, tugging at her lingerie. The warmth emitted from his body was highly intoxicating, and Elodia found herself getting lost in the moment. Her heart rate increased beyond normal and her skin was tingling. She could feel the danger emitting off of him, but she found that only made her want him more. 'Who is this man?' she asked herself. So dangerous yet so hot. He suddenly pulled away from her. Elodia whined at the loss of contact as his gaze flicked over her. "Now, what will you do to keep me interested?" Elodia's mind raced as she tried to think of an answer to respond. No matter how she tried to form a response, her drunk mind was blank. She needed to say something, anything, to keep him engaged, but her head and thoughts were spinning. "I... I..." she stammered, her voice trailing off as she lost her nerve. The man raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by her struggle. "You're not very good at this, are you?" he teased. "Now let me teach you"

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