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CHAPTER 5 Strange as he's mysterious

Elodia shivered inexplicably at his words, the feeling of being locked in gaze both terrifying and exhilarating. She could even imagine him pinning her down, tearing her clothes apart, and forcefully ravishing her body from her chest to between her legs. The more she thought, the more unstable her breathing became, her legs weak, her whole body burning up. After all, she had never experienced such things between men and women. Hot kisses rained down on her, enveloping her. She broke the kiss, looking at such perfection. His hair was Clean and gelled. His jawline was the sharpest she had ever seen with a 5 O'clock shadow which increased his male beauty. He was at least 7 feet tall! While she was only around 5 feet 9 inches, his tanned skin complimented perfectly with her milky white skin. His plump lips are ever so kissable. It's why she called him a model man, for his beauty was divine. She pounced back into a kiss, Her tongue and lips tingling and itching from the kisses, and the man's hands were not idle, exploring and wandering on her body, with a dominance that couldn't be refused. Even though she had been dating Xavier for three years, their most intimate behavior was only holding hands and kissing on the forehead. A passionate and intense kiss like this had never happened before, let alone being touched and caressed so sensually. She suddenly panicked! Getting revenge this way on Xavier would prove nothing to her or him. It's not right. Elodia intended to stop all of this, she would get her revenge on her Ex-boyfriend another way. She shouldn't indulge herself like this, even if she wanted to punish Xavier for cheating. Although this male model was incredibly handsome and stirred her emotions, she didn't even know his name! Before she could show any signs of backing off, the man had already let her go, not continuing further. She pinched her skirt and discreetly moved towards the door: "Um... let's just forget about it, mister." Elodia's subtle movement certainly didn't escape the man's scrutinizing gaze. His lips curled slightly. "I don't like playing games girl, I don't chase. Let's get straight to it now" he commanded. As much as she loves the domineering act of the man, she persists in leaving. She walked towards the door. "Playing hard to get I see," He said, straddling her with his hips. His hands roomed her buttocks. "No! No, it's not like that! I don't want this." Elodia stammered, realization hitting her like a brick. The effect of the liquor is beginning to wear off. "I….I just wanted to get back at my ex-boyfriend for cheating on me. I'm sort…..sorry mister, please let me go" A tearing sound echoed in the room, as her clothes were ripped sending chilled air into her bare skin. "No, please! I don't want this!" she begged, her heart pounding, struggling against the bulk of him. But he only flashed a dark and ominous grin that sent a tremble down her spine. "You wanted this, didn't you?" he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Now you got it". "No!" she cried, panic setting in as she realized she couldn't break free from his grasp. "Please, I'm sorry! I change my mind" But he only laughed, a chilly and vicious laugh that chilled her to the bone. "You can't take it back now," he said, his eyes gleaming with something she couldn't quite place, seemingly inhuman. "You've made your choice." As he said those words, she felt a searing pain in her arm, and she screamed as blood rushed from her injured arm. A huge bite mark was prominent where he just bit. She tried to move away, but he held her fast, his grip like steel. "I warned you not to play with fire". "There's one thing about fire, it consumes and destroys". He turned Elodia over, pressing down on her, inhaling lightly at her neck, his lips moving up and down, feeling something wet staining her neck as he spoke, rubbing against her soft and sensitive skin. "Your blood, it tastes Divine. Such purity" he sat on her confused. "You're still a virgin" he concluded, his tone in disbelief. 'My blood, what is he: a creep' Elodia thought. She tried to push him away, but her strength was no match for his. She closed her eyes waiting for the inevitable. What happened next was something her mind could never have conjured. Pairs of Deep Crimson eyes stared at her. The once Blue eyes of that handsome man have been replaced by Red cold eyes. Fangs are evident in his mouth. She looked at him, her eyes round and wide. "You're... you're not human," she concluded, a hint of dread in her voice. He smiled again, his fangs glinting in the darkness. "No, I am not human," he said. "I am something else. Something more than your fickle mind could comprehend" Immediately he said those words, my bra was torn and he sat on the bed, admiring me before he descended. The inhuman fang she had seen before was now nibbling on her exposed collarbone, his breath becoming heavy. With enthusiasm, he nibbled on her neck and collarbone before returning to her lips, his agile tongue making her resistance futile: "Please, No! Stop…. Ah! You bastard" Both of her arms were now stranded and grabbed by the man, preventing any movement. "You said you wanted revenge on the one who betrayed you, but when I help you, you curse me..." "You heartless little thing, you want to keep all this body to yourself". He said tasting more of her blood from her hand. "You are quite feisty, and I like you for that" He flashed his fangs preparing to descend on the small girl. Seeing an opening, Elodia ducked from underneath his hold, fiercely kicking the man's defenseless lower body: You damn creature, get away from me" Elodia ran towards the window, preparing to jump down the two-story building at any risk. Just as she was about to open the curtain, the man's voice sounded again, this time, with a hint of warning to it. "I wouldn't open that curtain if I were you" he warned. Elodia of course didn't listen to his words and opened the curtain wide. A large ray of moonlight poured in from behind her, and the terrifying and perverted man, bathed in moonlight, suddenly stopped moving! It was now or never. It was her chance! She quickly turned around and opened the glass window. The huge round moon hung in the night sky. As her field of vision and exposure to the outside wind widened, she felt relieved; she could soon escape from this terrifying man! It was still nighttime but it felt like years since she was stuck in that hellhound. Freedom. As soon as he stepped a foot over the window, one step to freedom, she heard a loud growl behind her. An inhuman voice that sounded like an animal voice, drawing her attention. "The curtain…. I told you…. Don't open…. The curtain…Ah" It was the man's voice mixed with a wild wolf howl. She didn't dare look back as she escaped faster. She was almost out of the room. The ground was several more feet than she could jump but if she could balance on the slanted ceiling for a bit, she just might survive. She has to jump. A rush of cold air hit the back of her neck. It might have been his deep breath or his inhuman growl, She didn't dare to think too much about it. At this moment, half of her body was already out of the window, with only one leg left to stretch back. Her body was finally almost free. Anxiousness made her stumble from her balanced position before the feeling of weightlessness overcame her. "HELP……" her scream echoed.

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