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CHAPTER 3 Caught Cheating And Betrayed

Elodia was stumbling over her own words, incoherent words spilling from her gaped mouth. Her tongue is too heavy to move and make a coherent word. "Xavier" she finally whispered painfully. So small that only someone with wolf hearing would be able to pick up such sound. Tears rolled down her eyes, her mascara destroyed by the wetness. Xavier stood there, looking at her in complete shock while the blond slut whined loudly about him stopping. "Elodia" he called but she gave him no time to continue his statement as she ran out of the janitor's closet. Victoria scanned the room, looking for one person in particular. She noticed a lone figure standing in the corner, looking a little out of place. "Elodia?" she questioned. It was Elodia as she moved closer to the figure, her beautiful gown and exquisite shape becoming more visible. She looked like she was about to cry. Victoria immediately rushed to her best friend, hugging her tightly. "Hey sweetheart, are you okay?" she asked softly, pulling her towards the cushion placed at the end of the wall. Elodia looked up at her, tears streaming down her face, "It's Xa…. Xav…Xa" She tried to speak but only choked words came as she sobbed. Victoria was taken aback by her friend's pain, but she immediately amassed her satires and pulled Elodia into a tight hug. "It's okay, I'm here for you," she said soothingly. "What's going on?" Elodia took a deep breath, "It's Xavier" she said, her voice trembling. "I was missing him and I just found out he was cheating on me with that blond bitch, Cassandra. I caught them in the janitor's closet" She took another deep breath, "I believed he loved me jovially, but he's been lying to me this whole time, I feel so stupid!" Victoria's face distorted heavily as her heart sank into her stomach but she knew she had to be strong for her best friend. "I'll kill him for that" she gritted her teeth. "And you're not stupid" she spoke out firmly. "He doesn't deserve you in the slightest. He's the one who is in the wrong" Elodia nodded, using her handkerchief to wipe her tears. Victoria hugged and comforted her friend. Her hair which was in a bun is now in a messy form, ever flowing and the wind in the party didn't do justice to her already disheaved state. "I just can't believe I was so blind," she said, regrettably shaking her head, "he said he's going to wait for me, we never did anything sensual and he's always so loyal. He was the one for me, you know?" Victoria nodded in understanding "You are not alone on this, you have me!" she said, wiping the flowing tears from Elodia's eyes. "I know it's hard right now, but we're going through this together," she said reassuringly. "We are adults now, let's leave this childish prom and go to a NightClub and have the best time of our life" Elodia let out a small laugh. "You're a crazy bitch you know. We don't even have a card to get us through the door" Elodia looked at the devilish smile of her best friend, already feeling refreshed from talking with her. "Uhmm, I'm Victoria for a reason," she said, bringing two identity cards with both of their faces engraved in the passport section. It shows they're 20 years of age. "What the Freak" Eldora screamed in shock, "how did you get this? No wait, you already planned to go to a club beforehand?" The smile from Victoria confirmed her guess. "You bitch" they both laughed loudly. Victoria dragged the smiling Eldora from the couch, "don't let that jerk ruin your night. Let's go have fun" she screamed happily. Eldora felt a weight lift from her shoulder, knowing her best friend whom she trusted most was by her side. When they were walking out, they heard the prom king and queen being announced, Emily felt a wave of anger and sadness wash over her. How could he have betrayed her like this? They both entered the car and zoomed out of the school. *************^************ In the nightclub's dance floor, among the men and women indulging themselves under neon lights, there was a lone figure: Elodia Cavendish. Her intricate white dress shimmered in the club lights, set off by a purple streak running through her gown. Elodia had arrived at the club with her friend, Victoria, who had since disappeared with a random guy. They both with the fake IDs were able to get in and have as much liquor as the stomach could take. Alone, Elodia headed towards the bar to clear her head, the effects of the night's drinking catching up with her. As the night wore on, Elodia began to feel numb. She didn't want to dance or talk to anyone. She just wanted to go drink and cry. She prepared to step out into the cool night air, to get some fresh air and clear her head from Xavier. But as she stumbled down the corner bar, she noticed an extremely handsome man in the corner booth. She couldn't stop staring at the man in the corner booth as he drank his bear, finishing it in one go. A bit of the bear had smeared onto his lips, making them appear even more tempting than they had at first glance. They looked so damn kissable The darkness of the club room failed to conceal his handsome man's sharp jawline. Elodia was drunk, her mind filled with lustful thoughts. Her hazy mind was filled with this urge—go up there! Claim those kissable plump lips! She swayed towards the man. She explained it to herself—if her boyfriend had betrayed her, why couldn't she have the same little fun too? She has kept her virginity but he wasn't patient. It was a twisted version of tit for tat. The handsome man looked at the incoming girl, scrutinizing her as she drunkenly stumbled towards me. "Miss, do you have business with me?" His extremely deep voice sent shivers down her spine. As Elodia finally reached the man's table, she gave him a drunken seductive smile and asked, "Buy a girl a drink?" The man looked her over, considered, then nodded. "Why not?" he said, and he ordered more drinks from the bartender. "A strong scent rushed into her nose, like high-quality leather dried and scented with the fragrance of a snow-covered pine forest. It was the most amazing smell she's ever perceived. She was deeply intoxicated by this scent, taking several deep breaths without realizing how provocative and bold her actions were, straddling his legs. The man's scrutinizing gaze also swept over, meeting her eyes at close range. She felt like she was drowning in his gaze. His deep green eyes were deeper and more beautiful than a forest, and as his eyelashes fluttered, they radiated a fatal enticement. Like a wild beast eyeing its prey, ready to pounce. Elodia was shocked at herself as she Drew closer to him, a mere breath away from his mouth. Seeing that the man didn't reject her closeness, she learned from TV dramas, grabbed his tie, and using a seductive voice, she said: "Have sex with me"

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