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CHAPTER 2 Prom Night

There was a sudden knock on the door, loud and insistent like someone's fist was determined to break through the beautifully intricate door. The insistent knocking was frantic like the person on the other end of the door was desperate to get in. Its sound reverberated throughout the whole room. ELODIA stirred, her cheek and pillow stained with drool while switching to a different position. "ELODIA" A loud obnoxious Voice screamed heavily from the other side of the door but no reply came forth. The door creaked open, and then knocking turned into an impatient pounding. The door finally gave way for the intruder and a tall girl stood angrily at its entrance. Victoria's eyes lit up in outrage at the sight of the girl lying on the bed, her legs sprained wide open. With her tall and lean body, with wild, windblown hair and eyes that seem to see everything. She stumped with a confident grace, but there was a hint of recklessness in her steps. As soon as she reached the king-sized bed, with eyes filled with restlessness, she slapped the figure lying on the bed, a resounding slap that echoed throughout the large bedroom. Elodia woke up in a start, screaming like a banshee. She held her burning cheek. "What the hell was that for?" She angrily questioned but only to be met with a scrutinizing glare from her best friend. Victoria folded her long arms scrutinizing her best friend's disheveled appearance. "Because you've been sleeping throughout the day. You promised 5 minutes, two hours ago". She retorted, dragging the shit out of her friend. "We only have 2 hours to prom and your lethargy threatens to make me late" Victoria screamed her frustration out. "El, get up now, we need to hurry up a bit. The prom is at 7 pm this evening, and it's already almost 5 o'clock! I still need to do beautiful makeup!" ELODIA groaned loudly, starting up with the persuasion from Victoria. "Ok ok, I'm getting up". With begrudging compliance, Elodia begrudgingly roused herself, eyeing the majestic white dress before her, its intricate design gleaming under specific lighting, accented by a purple streak. It was truly a remarkable dress. Anxious to impress her boyfriend, Xavier, she hastened her preparations under Victoria's persistent urging. After being urged by Victoria, Elodia also hastened her speed and in a few minutes, she was halfway dressed. Victoria was putting on a pair of fake eyelashes as she laughed and mused on the newfound freedom of adulthood "We are finally adults, we're free to do and wear whatever we want. Don't feel shy putting that dress on, I mean look at me" she said, bouncing her half-opened cleavage, encouraging ELODIA not to shy away from her stunning dress. Together, they readied themselves for the awesome evening ahead, embracing the excitement and anticipation of the prom, a milestone marking their transition into adulthood. Luckily, Victoria called an experienced cab and In just a few minutes, they arrived at the prom hall at the last minute. Tall beautiful ladies walked hand in hand into the prom party, drawing the attention and awe expression from everyone around them. The white intricate dress of Elodia shone with a radiant glow, expressing her divine beauty with her hair fixed in a ponytail complimenting the bright red of Victoria’s as they both bounced to dominate the party. They met friends with whom they were in close contact. "Wow, ELODIA, did you go to a phototherapy and medical beauty for these past two weeks, you look gorgeous" one of them complimented. Elodia, being a very shy person, blushed at his compliment, hiding her reddening face behind Victoria. "Oh cut the crap" Victoria annoyingly said, "you didn't even compliment me, and I'm showing all of this" Her boobs bounced as she showcased it. Victoria stood in front of the guy as she adjusted the straps of her dress. She had spent hours picking out the perfect outfit, and she felt confident that she looked her best. The guy blushed, immediately running in the opposite direction. "Victoria, you cannot just expose your body and allow these teenagers to……" Elodia wasn't able to finish her words as they stuck directly in her trachea with the appearance of her boyfriend, Xavier. His brown hair, scattered in a boyish handsome way with a sharp jawline and a height and muscles to be jealous of. His beauty was unparalleled as he smiled, walking towards the door leading to the Exit of the prom hall. She threatened to follow and surprise him as she couldn't wait to meet him and tell him what has been bothering her since. She's ready to lose her virginity to him at prom night. The thoughts of what might go through tonight played in her head, her face threatening to explode. "Come on let's go get a seat" Victoria dragged her best friend. As they descended the stairs, Elodia could hear the enthusiastic chatter of her classmates, who were all dressed in their subtlest attire. The air was filled with anticipation and exhilaration, as everyone was ready to have a night they would never forget Suddenly, the music stopped and a white-haired man walked to the stage dressed in an exquisite tuxedo - the principal of William Morris High School. "Welcome to your senior prom!" he announced, his deep voice echoing loud. The room erupted in cheers and applause. "Tonight is a wonderful night to celebrate not only your accomplishments but looking forward to your future," He continued, "So I hope you all have a wonderful time, and make some memories that will last a lifetime." Everyone cheered and With that, the music started again, and everyone began to dance and mingle Not able to keep patience any longer, Elofia decided to see her boyfriend. Elodia has been looking forward to prom night for months. She'd spent hours picking out the perfect dress together with Victoria, getting her hair and makeup just right, and practicing her dance moves. But as she was getting ready to head out the door. She couldn't wait any longer as she ran in the direction of her boyfriend. Loud moaning noises were heard closer to the janitor's door. She shrugged that off since many teenagers couldn't wait till the end of prom. Not wanting to intrude on their privacy, Elodia planned on walking back to the party but a name stopped her dead in her tracks. "Xavier" a feminine voice, mourned loudly, pounding noises heard from the small room. Elodia not wanting to believe what she just heard, 'Is my mind playing gimmicks on me?' She pondered to herself. Wanting to ascertain herself awry, knowing Xavier would never cheat on her. They've been together for three years now but never done anything sexual, lingering until she reaches 18. She tramped hesitantly towards the door, unlocking it slightly so as not to make a furor but the rusty door only made a loud shrieking noise that rumbled her eardrums making the two individuals present in the room pause. Elodia felt her world crumbling, hues of different colors clouded her vision as her heart pounded hard, pumping blood through her ears that she only heard a rushing sound. Xavier was naked standing behind a blond girl, her legs spread open while their genitalia was fastened.

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