There were three candidates for the president's secretary position: Samantha, Sarah, and a young girl named Aisha. Samantha's attitude towards Aisha was passable, but when it came to Sarah, she didn't even bother to put on a good face. "Alright, the boss is already at the company, so you two hurry up and get to work," Samantha said, glancing disdainfully at Sarah and then insinuating, "Some people shouldn't think they can climb to the top just because they have a bit of beauty." Sarah knew Samantha was talking about her. Aisha also felt the malice in Samantha's attitude towards Sarah, but she smiled and tried to smooth things over, saying, "Okay, let's go to the office now. Brandon will assign us work soon." Axel thought about the events of yesterday evening and couldn't help but feel a bit down. He still couldn't believe that his wife, whom he had been married to for just a year, would have the audacity to cheat on him. But his grandmother had previously assured him, swearing that she was a woman with impeccable education and character. So, where did things go wrong? Lost in thought, Axel was interrupted by a knock on the office door. "Come in," Axel's deep voice sounded. Sarah walked in with a stack of documents, saying, "Boss, here are the financial reports from last quarter that you requested." Looking at Sarah's flawless face, for some reason, Axel suddenly thought of his new wife. Just as Sarah was about to leave, Axel suddenly spoke up, "Wait." Sarah paused, then turned to ask, "Boss, do you need anything else?" "Nothing, you can go now. Oh, by the way, go find Brandon and add me on WeChat. I need you to be available whenever I call," Axel said. Sarah nodded and then left the office. Axel suddenly felt that his behavior just now was somewhat strange. He actually felt that Sarah and his new wife looked alike? Ridiculous. At noon, his grandmother called Axel again, asking how things were going with his wife. Axel was about to spill the beans about yesterday's events, but he felt guilty for not contacting his wife for a year. "I didn't see her yesterday," Axel made up an excuse, "I plan to find her in a few days." His grandmother sounded disappointed upon hearing this, but upon hearing his explanation, she immediately showed a relieved smile again, "That's good, remember to contact her in advance. This time, no matter what, you have to bring her home." Axel mumbled a few words and then hung up the phone. He decided to give his new wife another chance—if he had misunderstood her, he would explain everything to her later. After all, this woman was personally chosen by his grandmother as his daughter-in-law. Her character shouldn't be that bad. Axel was about to look at the documents in front of him when he noticed a friend request from Sarah on his phone. Axel quickly accepted the friend request and then asked: Did Aisha hand over the work to you? Seeing the message from the boss, Sarah was very surprised. Sarah: Boss, do you mean... I'm going to take over Aisha's position in the future? Axel: Isn't my meaning clear enough? Sarah's heart suddenly filled with joy! She tried hard to suppress the joy on her face, then calmly replied to Axel's message. Sarah: Thank you, Boss! I'll definitely perform well in the future. Axel: Are you free this afternoon? Sarah was taken aback. Did the boss have something to assign to her? Axel: I need to go out for a while, you come with me. Sarah: Okay! Axel decided to visit the mall again and pick a more exquisite gift for his new wife. This time, he must see that woman. With Axel's permission, Aisha quickly found Sarah and discussed the handover of work with her. Other colleagues were shocked to see this scene, especially Samantha and Aisha. However, Aisha quickly understood what was going on, still calmly focusing on her work, while Samantha couldn't sit still. Aisha actually chose Sarah, a favored person, to hand over the work! Didn't that mean she wouldn't have a chance? Samantha felt a strong sense of unease. "Samantha's secretary..." Aisha couldn't help but ask. Aisha glanced at Samantha, then raised her voice to address everyone in the office, "Everyone, pay attention, from now on, Sarah will take over my position." Everyone looked at each other, but no one objected. Although everyone was surprised by Sarah becoming the new president's secretary, they weren't so shocked as to confront Samantha or Brandon about it. In a sense, Samantha and Brandon's attitudes were the same as Axel's. Brandon knew Samantha's character well. When he approached her, she said expressionlessly, "Samantha, do you have something to say?" Samantha looked at Sarah with an unwilling expression, then smiled and said, "The selection for the president's secretary was made so quickly? Why didn't I hear anything about it?" Brandon looked at the documents in Sarah's hands and casually said, "The boss just made the decision. What? Do you have any objections?" "What? Just made the decision?" Samantha was even more astonished, "How could..." "What's going on?" At this moment, Brandon walked over. Seeing Brandon, Samantha quickly said, "I'll go back to work first." Watching Samantha leave in a hurry, Brandon couldn't help but feel puzzled. "You should do the handover with Sarah properly." Brandon said to Aisha, "The boss has a busy schedule these days and needs Sarah to familiarize herself with the work process as soon as possible." "I know." Aisha nodded. "The boss is usually reserved," after Brandon left, Aisha couldn't help but whisper to Sarah with a smile, "You're taking over my position, which means you'll have to be with him 24/7 in the future." "24/7?" Sarah was surprised, "Doesn't that mean I won't have any personal time?" Aisha said, "Dear, for now, you'll have to sacrifice a bit. After all, the salary the boss is offering you is not low, it's double what you were making before." Any reasonable employee wouldn't have a problem with a high salary. Sarah smiled, "I understand! I'll work hard to be a qualified secretary." At three o'clock in the afternoon, Axel took Sarah out of the company. "Boss, where are we going?" Sarah couldn't help but ask curiously. Axel thought she was a bit chatty, but he didn't scold her. Instead, he said, "I'm going to buy a gift for my wife. You accompany me to the mall to pick one." So it was to buy a gift for his wife. Sarah understood and didn't say anything more. Sarah couldn't help but think of what Samantha had said about the boss's wife before. She suddenly became curious about the woman who was rumored to be so favored by the boss. What kind of person was she? Half an hour later, Axel and Sarah arrived at the largest mall in the city.

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