"What kind of things do girls usually like?" Axel glanced at Sarah beside him and couldn't help asking. Sarah thought seriously for a moment and then said, "Most girls like jewelry, accessories, and such. Boss, why not go to a jewelry store?" Axel thought what she said made sense, so he took her to a jewelry store. "Welcome," the saleswoman's eyes lit up as she saw Axel. "Sir, Madam, what type of jewelry are you looking for?" The saleswoman said with a smile. Sarah's face couldn't help but show an embarrassed smile, "You misunderstood, I'm his secretary." The saleswoman's expression changed, but quickly she smiled again, "I see, sir, what are you interested in?" Axel casually glanced at the counter, then looked back at Sarah. Sarah quickly understood Axel's intention and went over to the counter, "Do you have any other styles of necklaces?" "Of course!" The saleswoman enthusiastically replied, "We received new stock yesterday. Would you like to take a look?" Sarah subconsciously said, "Okay," but the saleswoman didn't move on to the next step. Sarah found it strange, but Axel smoothly took out a black card, "Show us your newest collection." The saleswoman's face immediately blossomed, "Of course, sir! Please follow me." The saleswoman led Axel and Sarah to the VIP room and quickly brought over a catalog. "These are our latest designs," the saleswoman smiled, "Please take your time to choose." Axel casually flipped through the pages and then looked at Sarah, "What do you think, which set of necklaces looks better?" Sarah gave her objective opinion from a woman's perspective. Axel flipped through a few more pages and then pointed to the set of necklaces Sarah had commented on, "We'll take this set." The saleswoman smiled broadly, "Okay! Please wait a moment, I'll arrange the order. Oh, by the way, there are new gemstone rings over there, specially for VIP customers. You can take a look." Axel glanced at Sarah and said, "Go ahead and pick one." So Sarah went directly to the counter. Axel glanced at Sarah's back and suddenly felt a strange sensation in his heart. Strange, he thought of his wife, whom he barely remembered, again. After a while, the saleswoman came back and said with a smile, "The items are ready, you can make the payment now." Sarah used the black card to make the payment. When they left the VIP room, Sarah was about to ask Axel about their next plan, but Axel suddenly said, "Do you like any jewelry? Or do you want to buy something else?" Sarah was taken aback, and the saleswoman smiled knowingly, "Miss, our diamond collection is quite beautiful. Would you like to take a look?" Axel signaled for Sarah to follow the saleswoman, and Sarah didn't refuse. The saleswoman warmly recommended some products to Sarah. After comparing them carefully, Sarah smiled, "I think this bracelet is nice, I'll take it." Axel glanced at it and said, "Charge it." Excitement surged in Sarah's heart. Although working with the boss was stressful, she couldn't deny the benefits she gained. Sarah felt more convinced that being Axel's secretary was the right choice. "The boss's wife must be a very happy woman," Sarah couldn't help but admire. Axel fell silent. "Huh," suddenly, Sarah heard Axel's sarcastic laugh, "Let's hope she likes it." Sarah found Axel's words somewhat inexplicable. Today, Axel seemed to be in a good mood. He didn't let Sarah return to the office but allowed her to leave work early. Suppressing the urge to jump in place, Sarah said calmly, "Alright, boss." As she turned around, she couldn't suppress the smile on her face. Sarah happily told Alana and Jake about leaving work early. Soon, Alana replied to Sarah. Alana: Perfect timing, I have nothing on tonight, let's have dinner together. Sarah: Okay, make sure to tell Jake. Alana: OK, and when you leave work, buy some groceries. Sarah happily took a taxi to the supermarket. Axel bought a bouquet of bright red roses from a flower shop, then drove alone to the same neighborhood as yesterday. This time, he was determined to see the true face of his wife. Sarah wanted to eat hot pot tonight, so she wandered around the supermarket for a while. Following his grandmother's instructions on the floor and apartment number, Axel quickly arrived at the door of 3201. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the doorbell. "Who is it?" a strange woman's voice came from inside, and soon the door opened. After seeing the person in front of him, Axel was stunned. Why did he feel so unfamiliar with this woman's face? Before Axel could speak, a lazy voice came from inside the room, "Darling, who are you talking to?" Quickly, Jake, shirtless, came out of one of the rooms. Axel's breath hitched when he saw Jake's face. His wife...she really cheated on him? "Who are you?" Alana asked curiously, "Who are you looking for?" "Is he your boyfriend?" Axel asked with a dark expression. Alana, looking confused, nodded, "Yes, do you need something?" Axel's face looked very bad, and soon, without saying a word, he turned around and left. "What a strange person," Alana closed the door and said to Jake, "I asked him who he was, but he didn't answer." Jake didn't pay attention, "Probably went to the wrong room." "Oh no," Alana suddenly exclaimed, "This morning, Sarah asked me to get the blanket from her room to air out, and I forgot!" Jake said, "Go check outside, it should still be there." Hurriedly, Alana opened Sarah's door. The three of them had been good friends for many years. Due to the high housing prices in the capital, they had been sharing an apartment for years. When Sarah returned home, she saw Jake and Alana cleaning the living room. "Dear, you're finally back," Alana smiled and took the things in Sarah's hand, "Let me tell you, I met a strange person just now." "What kind of strange person?" Sarah suddenly became interested.

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