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3: Had Enough

Camilla "What did you just say?" Shawn asked, giving me a dark face. He couldn't believe what I was telling him, but this was the reality now. He thinks I rely on him and his goddamn money. Well I'm about to prove him wrong. "I didn't speak Chinese, did I?" I replied, glaring at him. "I said I want a divorce." "Seems like you're out of your mind." "No, you're the one who's out of your mind," I retorted. "You keep on cheating on me and instead of you to finally accept your mistake, you went ahead and start justifying your actions. I can't stand you anymore. I've been trying my best to keep this marriage alive, but you're doing the complete opposite. So why should I continue to live with you? Why should I stay in a marriage that lacks love?" "Because I have the money," he answered. "To hell with you and your money," I spat immediately. "I didn't get married to you because of your money. If that's what you're thinking, better scratch it out." "It seems like you lost your senses,  Camilla. When they've finally come back, let me know." "I'm fucking serious, Shawn!" I snarled. "No you're not!" "Yes I am!" "I said you're not!" He barked. "You are my wife and I'm telling you that this divorce will not be taking place." "Sorry, but I'm not your slave," I brought out to him. "I'm making things clear to you. We can't continue to be married if we don't talk to each other. What the hell is that? You think I want to live the next twenty years of my life being a hopeless and sad woman?" "How can you be sad when you're married to a billionaire?" "That's your problem, Shawn. You think money is everything. You think you can just control the world with money. But let me tell you this, I don't give a damn about your money. To hell with you and that. I just want my happiness, and let's not even say it's freedom, cause I have never considered myself to be your slave one day. You the only one who had such mentality." "You will not do this, Camilla." "You can't tell me what to do. And it's the same for me, I can't tell you what to do. I can't tell you to stop sleeping with women, because that's your life. Do what you want, I don't give a damn. So this is my life as well. I'm going to do what I want and you're not going to give a damn." "You better listen to me!" He seized my hand. His grip was tight and it was so painful. "You are my wife, and there's no way I'm going to let you follow through with this stupid ideas of yours." "This is my life, Shawn. And I'm going to do whatever I want." "Not while you're still married to me," he stated, increasing the pain he was sending straight to my hand. "Let me go! You're hurting me!" I shrieked but he refused to listen. "You are mine, Camilla. Don't make me remind you. So I think it's better if you just behave yourself." He kept on twisting my hand. "I said let go of me!" I snapped and then I gave him a hard slap on his face. He looked surprised, and finally, I took my hand from his. "Did you just slap me?" Shawn asked. He still couldn't believe his eyes. "Yes I did. And if you try to act stupid again, I won't hesitate to give you another one." "Still trying to act tough. You know I can beat the hell out of you right now." "And you're seriously going to do that?" I blurted. "Wow, Shawn. Is this how you act with those ladies you fuck? You beat them up, right?" "Watch your mouth, Camilla." "You need to watch it," I retorted. "And by the way, I thought you were going to meet Ariana. Why are you still wasting time here?" "That's none of your business!" "It is, actually. You are my husband, and a wife needs to make sure her husband doesn't get late for a meeting." I gave him a fake smile. He crossed his arms, glaring at me. "How did I even get married to you?" "I should be the one asking you that." I still had my feigned smile on. He stormed upstairs, not saying another word. Well I'm glad that's over. I sat down, looking at the place I had destroyed, and it had me a little bit satisfied. I won't continue to live with a man that refuses to acknowledge our relationship. We have been married for three years, but all these years lack love. No passion, no communication, nothing at all. It's like I'm married to a statue, which is pretty fucked up. You already know everything that's been happening in this marriage. He keeps on sleeping with other women and I'm just here, watching him while he carries on with those disgusting actions. I've tried so hard to fix this marriage, trying to talk to him, start a conversation, generate a happy moment, but this man keeps on killing everything. So I've had enough. I don't want him, he can go to hell for all I care. I'm just going to divorce. That's the only solution to this madness. I mean when we first met, he was nice and lovely. We dated for nine months before we got married, and boom! His attitude changed. No longer the nice Shawn I used to know. No longer Mr. Perfect Man, he became a scumbag, and you can see how he's just displaying his foolishness here. He refuses to accept that he's wrong and he feels like a god all because he's stinking rich. So I've had enough of his attitude. Shawn walked down the stairs, holding a briefcase. It's not like he's going to work or something. "What do you have in there? Your chick's underwear?" I taunted. He glared at me but refused to say anything and then he made his way to the door. "When are you going to be coming back?" I asked him. "Don't ask me that," he replied coldly. "Okay, I'm not going to do that. But whenever you come back to this house,  just know I'll be right here, waiting for you, holding the divorce papers." "Go to hell," Shawn spat. "You go to hell," I retorted. "Don't waste any more time here. That famous bitch must be waiting for you by now. She must be dying right now cause she's so hot and she needs someone's cum to cool her fucking ass." "Camilla, shut up!" Shawn barked, stepping closer to me. "Don't tell me that! You're the one making me so mad, so if I'm being too disrespectful, it's all your fault!" "You are unbelievable, you know that?" "I'm unbelievable?" I chuckled. "What about you, huh? What are you going to say about yourself?" "You really want that divorce, right?" He snarled. "Your question is so dumb. Of course I want that divorce," I replied loudly. "Well you're not getting it." He gave me a cruel smirk.

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