Chapter 3

Lucius ran his hand across the painting in his study. The woman in it stared back at him, her eyes wrinkling at the side, a perfect reenactment of the perfect smile she always wore. A soft knock on the door interrupted his contemplation, causing him to turn his attention away from the painting of his mother. "Enter," he called out, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness. Thane, his trusted beta, entered the room with a deferential bow. "Alpha," he greeted, his tone laced with respect. Lucius inclined his head in acknowledgment. "Thane. What news do you bring?" Taking his seat on the opposite side of the ornate desk, Thane sighed heavily. "Matthias and his wolves are causing trouble once again." A tired sigh escaped Lucius's lips. "What have they done this time?" Thane leaned forward, his voice filled with frustration. "They have been hunting outside our borders, claiming the lands under your name already and causing confusion." A flicker of annoyance passed over Lucius's features. "Send Matthias to me. I have grown weary of his constant testing of my patience. His actions will not go unpunished. My wolf craves blood, and Matthias will serve as a perfect example." Thane nodded, understanding his Alpha's resolve. Silence settled between them for a moment before Thane decided to broach another matter. "And what of the girl?" Lucius's gaze turned sharp, his eyes narrowing with a touch of suspicion. "What about her?" Thane hesitated, sensing the Alpha's guarded demeanor. "Is she with child yet?" A mix of emotions flickered across Lucius's face before settling into a cold mask of indifference. "I do not know. But rest assured, she will serve her purpose." "Okay." Lucius sensed there was more his beta wanted to say, "You know I hate it when you withhold your words. Say what you have to say." Thane sighed, "There are some whispers going round the Palace, that you plan to make her your Luna when she bears you a son." Lucius' eyes hardened, "And which of the wolves are saying this?" Sensing his Alpha's anger, "It doesn't matter. What do you plan to do once she bears you a son? What happens if she does bear you a pup but it is not the one you need?" Lucius closed his eyes as her beautiful face crossed his mind. He didn't need to think twice before agreeing to Marcus' terms. He has taken one look at her and knew she would be perfect. Beautiful red hair flowed down her back like a fiery flame that framed her gorgeous face.Her green eyes that stared up at him with warmth whenever he lay with her and her beestung lips that had been so unsure the first time he made her wrap them against his length. He knew he had taken her innocence but he couldn't bring himself to feel no matter how much he tried, yet whenever he was near her, he felt a nagging feeling, one he couldn't decipher. She looked at him like she wanted to break through his walls, delve deep into his soul and find out the truths hidden beneath. Unfortunately, there was nothing left of him, he was an Alpha cursed to be alone for the rest of his days, to know only hate. Lucius's eyes hardened, his jaw clenched. "It does not matter. If she fails to fulfill her role in the first two attempts, then she will be discarded. She is nothing more than a breeder to me. If she cannot fulfill that purpose, then she is of no value." Unbeknownst to Lucius, Amelia stood just outside the door, her heart shattering into a million pieces with each callous word that spilled from his lips. Her eyes welled up with tears as she absorbed the harsh reality of their situation. In that moment, the depth of her foolishness became painfully apparent. She had fallen in love with her predestined mate, a man who saw her as nothing more than a means to an end-a tool to bear his child. Feeling the weight of his words pressing down upon her, Amelia slowly turned on her heel, her footsteps echoing through the empty corridor. She reached up to brush away the tears that streamed down her cheeks, a mix of anguish and determination etched upon her face. Grabbing the bag she had brought with her as soon as she entered her room, she resolved to gather what little remained of her shattered dignity and forge a new path-one that did not depend on the heartless Alpha because she was never going to be anything to him. "He wasn't always like this." Amelia stopped for a moment to stare at Mary standing at the door. Mary stepped inside, her gaze distant and filled with a painful recollection. "There was a time when Lucius felt just like every other man. When his heart wasn't frozen to stone." Amelia's curiosity piqued, and she moved closer, urging Mary to continue. "What happened? Why did he change?" A heavy sigh escaped Mary's lips as she recounted a tale that had been passed down through generations. "Many years ago, when Lucius' father was the Alpha King, a terrible tragedy befell their pack. It was a night of chaos and bloodshed, when a rival pack attacked with a vengeance. Lucius' mother, a beautiful and beloved Luna, sacrificed herself to protect her people, that night also marked the end of Lucius' father's reign." Amelia's eyes widened, the gravity of the story sinking in. "And the curse?" Mary nodded, her voice filled with sorrow. "In his grief and rage, Lucius sought revenge. He made a pact with a powerful witch, exchanging his humanity for the power to avenge his fallen parents. The witch granted his request, but at a great cost-a curse that would forever haunt the Alpha lineage and so Lucius, just barely above a teenager at that time, was bestowed with such a burden." Amelia shuddered, her heart aching for the pain Lucius must have endured. "What kind of curse was it?" Mary's voice dropped to a hushed tone, laden with fear. "I am taking a risk telling you this. It is forbidden to speak of it." "I need to know Mary." A flicker of worry passed through her eyes before she continued, "The curse consumed his heart, turning it cold and heartless to know only one thing; hate. It was a punishment for the darkness that dwelled within his souls, a reminder of the price they paid for their vengeance." Amelia's mind raced with questions, desperate to understand the depth of Lucius' suffering. "Why does he need a son? How does that relate to the curse?" Mary's eyes flickered with a mix of hesitation and secrecy. "The curse dictates that each Alpha must have an heir, one that the curse would be passed onto, if not, great tragedy would befall the entire pack." Amelia's eyes widened, "What? So the child I carry, if it is indeed a son, is just waiting to be cursed?" Mary tried to reach for her, "Amelia-" "No." Amelia took a step backwards, "My child will not know such a fate. I don't care if Lucius is my mate." Her wolf growled in annoyance at her statement, but Amelia continued, "I was sold off like a common property to him, he used my body whenever and however he liked and now he wants to bestow curse upon my son?" Amelia held her stomach protectively, "I will not allow it." A question ran through her mind, "How old was he when he made the deal?" "Twenty." Amelia folded her arms, "And how long ago was it?" "Fifteen years back." "So he has had fifteen years to try to break the curse yet he did nothing and now he wants to transfer the curse to my son? I am only twenty one years old, I will not stand by and watch my son grow up to be a monster because that is exactly what Lucius is, a monster." Her voice quivered as pain seeped through it, "He didn't even care that it hurt so much the first time or..." The tears came pouring down as Mary wrapped her hands around her. "The palace will be locked after the rise of the moon. Be at the gate with your bags before then." Amelia pulled away looking at her in confusion, "What?" "The curse will be transferred. It is inevitable but you can teach him to love away from Lucius. I am going to help you escape."

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