Chapter 4

Amelia gathered her things, immediately the sun set on the palace, she sucked in a deep breath, preparing herself. She had managed to stay away from him all day, knowing he would sense the change in her scent. Her hands trembled as she packed her meager belongings, but she tried to steady them knowing Mary would be waiting for her and she had to move fast. Amelia glanced around the room, making sure she hadn't forgotten anything essential. Her eyes landed on a small photograph of her family, a bittersweet reminder of the life she once had. She clutched it tightly in her hand, her resolve strengthening. She stepped out of the room, careful to avoid the servants as soon as the sun set. "The plan is simple, Amelia. You will slip out through the servant's entrance. It's less guarded than the main gates. Take this, once you are out, run as fast as you can but do not shift, it could harm the pup in you. If you go to another pack, Lucius will hear about it. The letter in your hand has an address, you will find my daughter and she will take care of you. Lucius will never find you in the world of the humans." Amelia nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "Thank you." Mary smiled sadly, "I'm sorry I wasn't nice to you when you got here. Go now and never look back." "What about Lucius? What if he finds out that you helped me escape?" "I will be fine. You need to get moving. The gates will be locked soon. You can only hide your scent from him for so long." Every creak of the floorboards beneath her feet felt amplified as she made her way to the servant's entrance,the tension in the air suffocating. Amelia's heart raced with anticipation and fear, but her determination to protect her child pushed her forward. Amelia's heart pounded in her chest as they neared the servant's gate. Amelia slipped through the gate, leaving behind the life of captivity and despair. She ran, her feet pounding against the cold ground, as she felt a mixture of exhilaration and fear coursing through her veins. She was finally free. Lucius felt it as soon as she entered her room the next morning. The warmth that radiated from her, spreading around him, almost enticing his still wolf was gone leaving emptiness in it's wake. Lucius stormed into the servant's quarters, his eyes ablaze with fury. The air crackled with tension as he confronted her. The servants all stopped bowing their heads, waiting for the scene to unfold before them. Mary stood tall, her gaze steady, even in the face of the Alpha King's wrath. "Where is she?" Mary's voice remained steady, her unwavering gaze meeting his. "I did what I believed was right, Lucius. Amelia deserved a chance at freedom, away from the life you had forced upon her. I could not stand by and watch her suffer." His eyes narrowed, a cold smile curling his lips. "You think you can defy me, Mary? You think you can go against my will and escape unscathed?" Fear flickered in Mary's eyes, but she held her ground. "There is a way to break the curse yet you choose to pass it on. Look around, we are all suffering Lucius. You want to bring another child into the world after what-" Lucius took a step closer, his towering presence intimidating. "I dare you to complete that statement." Mary's stance faltered, "Amelia and her unborn child-" Lucius froze, "She is with my child?" Then his eyes hardened, his wolf growled wanting blood, "And you helped her escape?" Without warning, Lucius's hand shot out, gripping Mary's throat with a vice-like grip, his claws digging into her skin. She gasped for breath, her eyes widening in fear. The room seemed to freeze as the Alpha King's dominance radiated through the air. "You thought you could betray me and help her escape?" Lucius growled, his voice low and menacing. "You will pay for your treachery." Desperation flashed in Mary's eyes as she struggled to speak, her voice barely a whisper. "Please... I only wanted to help her... Please, have mercy... your..." A cold, cruel smile crept across Lucius's face as he tightened his grip, cutting off Mary's pleas and in one move he ripped out her throat. Gasp filled the air as Mary's lifeless body crumpled to the ground. A twisted satisfaction filled him as he wiped the blood from his hand, a stark reminder of his power and control. Lucius stormed back to his chambers, the weight of his actions weighing heavily upon him. As he entered the room, his anger began to subside, replaced by an overwhelming sense of emptiness. He paced the room, his footsteps echoing through the silence. The memories of their encounters, once dismissed as mere physical encounters, now flashed before his mind's eye. The way her green eyes had searched his, pleading for something more than just a transaction. The way her touch had stirred something deep within him, a longing he had suppressed for far too long. A flicker of regret crossed his face as he realized the truth, as he finally responded to his wolf's call, that nagging feeling he had been trying to decipher, they were mates, destined to be together by the intricate design of fate. But his indifference had blinded him to this undeniable connection. He had pushed her away, denying both himself and her the bond they were meant to share. Maybe she was the answer to it all, perhaps she could be the one to break his curse. In that moment of self-reflection, his cold Alpha façade wavered. For the first time in fifteen years, vulnerability seeped through his icy exterior, revealing a glimmer of the man beneath the hardened shell. A man who yearned for something more than power and control. A man who craved love, companionship, and a chance at redemption. A mix of emotions surged within him-regret, longing, and a newfound determination. He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms as he made a silent vow to himself. He would find Amelia, no matter the cost. He would right the wrongs he had committed and win back her trust, even if it meant defying the laws that governed their world, or battling the demons that haunted his soul. With his decision made, Lucius stood taller, his eyes narrowing with renewed focus. The fire that had once consumed him with rage was now channeled into an unwavering determination to reclaim what he had lost. He would track her down, follow every lead, and traverse any distance to find her. The room echoed with his deep, commanding voice as he uttered his vow, "I will find you, Amelia. No matter where you hide, I will bring you back to me. You are mine, and I will not rest until you are by my side once again."

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