Chapter 2

Lucius' voice cut through the air, tinged with impatience and a hint of underlying power. Amelia's breath hitched as his piercing gaze bore into her, demanding her attention. She felt a rush of nervous energy course through her veins, and her heart raced within her chest. Amelia's eyes swept through the chiseled features that defined the Alpha King's countenance. His sun-kissed golden-brown hair fell effortlessly across his forehead, adding an air of casual allure to his commanding presence. The strands seemed to dance in the flickering. Her gaze lowered, taking in the intensity of his eyes, which held a depth that seemed to encompass worlds unknown. They were a mesmerizing shade of gold. The strong, masculine lines of his jaw commanded attention, giving him an air of authority and raw power.It held a hint of a five o'clock shadow, adding a touch of ruggedness to his impeccably sculpted features. As his lips, full and turned down in a frown, parted to speak, Amelia's heart skipped a beat. His voice, laced with a commanding presence, cut through the air with an almost tangible force. The sound sent shivers down her spine, a mixture of fear and an unexplainable fascination. "I asked you a question. Why did you leave your room?" he stated, his voice laced with impatience. His eyes narrowed, intensifying their golden glow, as if demanding her full attention. Snapping back to reality, Amelia stumbled over her words, her voice barely a whisper. "I... I... I was..." "Speak clearly," Lucius snapped, his tone leaving no room for hesitation or uncertainty. "I was hungry," she managed to utter, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and vulnerability. He folded his arms across his broad chest, towering over her with his imposing frame. The walls seemed to shrink in his presence, amplifying the intensity of his authority. "Was. That means it is a thing of the past. Get back into your room, take off your clothes, and wait for me," he commanded, his voice brooking no argument. Amelia's mouth opened in an attempt to speak, but a low, guttural growl reverberated through the walls, causing her words to catch in her throat. The sound sent a shiver down her spine, a chilling reminder of Lucius' inherent power. Amelia obediently retreated back to her room, the weight of his gaze still lingering in her mind. Her wolf continued to pace, urging her to stay with their mate. Hours passed, each moment stretching like an eternity as Amelia waited in anticipation until Lucius entered her room, his presence filling the space with an undeniable aura of dominance. Amelia lay there, tears streaming down her face, as Lucius took her innocence. The reality was far from the idealized portrayal she had read in countless books. The pain that tore through her was agonizing, overshadowing any notions of beauty or pleasure. She felt nothing but anguish as he thrust into her, over and over again, his actions devoid of tenderness or consideration. A grimace of pain etched itself onto her features, her cries stifled by the stifling reality of the moment. As he groaned in satisfaction, finding his release, Amelia laid on the bed, silently weeping, feeling violated and hollow. Lucius swiftly redressed, his eyes devoid of any emotion as he glanced briefly at her. "I will be back tomorrow night. I need my pup in you before the next full moon," he declared with cold detachment. The door shut behind him, the sound echoing in the room. She curled up on the bed, her body trembling with a mix of physical pain and emotional turmoil, her hunger long forgotten amidst the overwhelming sense of despair. The next morning, as the soft light of dawn crept into the room, Amelia opened her eyes to find the old woman already present, sorting through her belongings. Her gaze fell upon the bloodstained sheet, and a wave of embarrassment washed over her. Amelia's cheeks flushed crimson, a mixture of shame and vulnerability coloring her expression. A flicker of sympathy passed fleetingly across the old woman's face, her eyes reflecting a brief moment of compassion. However, it quickly vanished, replaced by a steely resolve. Clearing her throat, the old woman's voice held a slight tremor of uncertainty. "Get yourself ready. Breakfast will be served soon. Alpha Lucius does not permit anyone eating in their rooms." Amelia nodded, her heart heavy with a burden she couldn't shake. She pushed aside the remnants of her shattered innocence and prepared herself to face another day in the cold and unforgiving palace, where her dreams of freedom seemed further out of reach than ever before. The moment Amelia stepped into the vast dining hall, the atmosphere shifted, as if time itself had come to a standstill. The gazes of all the werewolves in attendance turned towards her, their collective attention fixed on the outsider who had intruded upon their domain. Her heart raced within her chest as her wolf stirred with anticipation, instinctively recognizing the presence of their mate. This was the moment she had dreamed of, the elusive connection that was supposed to transcend time and space. Yet, as her eyes locked onto Lucius, seated upon a throne-like chair at the head of the room, a sinking realization washed over her. There was no reciprocation in his gaze, no flicker of recognition or desire. He felt nothing for her. Time ticked by slowly, the silence stretching like an eternity before the atmosphere in the room gradually relaxed, and conversations resumed. The werewolves around her returned to their meals, their initial curiosity fading as their attention shifted elsewhere. Amelia's gaze swept across the room, noting the two empty seats that beckoned her. One seat was nestled between two male wolves, their eyes still locked onto her with predatory intensity, sizing her up like a potential meal. The other seat, the one that held an undeniable pull, was situated right next to Lucius. Summoning her courage, Amelia took a deep breath and began to make her way towards Lucius, her footsteps measured and deliberate. Each step felt like a monumental task, her heart pounding in her chest as uncertainty gnawed at her. Lucius' gaze briefly flickered in her direction, but just as quickly, he averted his eyes, purposefully ignoring her presence. She sat down, a servant immediately serving her food. Seated across from Lucius, a wolf named Matthias spoke up, breaking the silence. "So, Alpha, any news about extending our lands?" Lucius' eyes narrowed, irritation clear in his expression. "Matthias, I have told you never to question me while I am eating," he snapped, his voice laced with authority. "I will not warn you again." Matthias bowed his head, a gesture of deference. "I apologize, Alpha," he muttered, his voice filled with respect and a tinge of fear. Amelia sat there, her senses heightened by her newfound connection to Lucius, his scent enveloped her like a tantalizing aroma. It was a mixture of earthy woods and a hint of musk, a heady blend that stirred her wolf's primal instincts. The scent alone was intoxicating, awakening a longing within her that she struggled to comprehend. "Go to your room and undress." Lucius' voice snapped her out of her thoughts. Amelia looked up at him, blinking in surprise, "What?" Lucius clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Marcus did not mention you being deaf when he made me the offer. Stop irritating me. Go to your room." Amelia stood up, her head bowed in shame. She felt the weight of everyone's eyes on her as she strolled out. Lucius came in a few minutes later, taking her again. He came into her room every day for the next two weeks. Each time he was inside her, Amelia felt her connection to him deepen. Sometimes he was kind and she would see a flicker of emotions in his eyes, most times he used her body as his tool but the more he lay with her, the more her wolf pushed her yearning for a mating bond. Amelia opened her eyes, the ray of the sun reflecting in her face. The old woman stood at the door who she learnt was Mary. Their eyes clashed and Amelia knew the next words that would come out of her mouth as she felt the change in her scent. "You are pregnant."

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