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Chapter 1

Amelia stood frozen in shock as her step-father's words hung in the air, piercing through the room, everything fading into nothingness as stared at him. "I have sold you, Amelia," Marcus declared, his voice cold and devoid of any trace of remorse. "Sold you to the Alpha King himself." The name alone sent shivers down Amelia's spine. The Alpha King was known for his cruelty and unyielding power. He was the embodiment of fear in the werewolf kingdom, his name whispered in hushed tones by those who dared to speak of him. She had heard stories of his iron fist, his ruthless dominance, and the countless lives he had taken with a single slash of his claws. Amelia's eyes filled with tears, her voice barely a whisper as she pleaded, "Marcus, you can't be serious. You can't sell me to him." A cruel smirk played on Marcus's lips as he met her gaze with icy eyes. "Oh, but I am serious, Amelia. You are nothing more than a bargaining chip, a means to secure my future in the pack. The Alpha King is in need of a wolf to bear his pups, you, Amelia are nothing but a burden to me and I will not pass up such an opportunity to be free of you." Tears streamed down Amelia's face, her heart pounding in her chest. She had known Marcus hated her from the very first moment he met her, to make it worse, the moon goddess had made the decision to take her mother away from her leaving her fate in his hands. "No," Amelia whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and defiance. "I won't let you do this. I won't be sold like a piece of property." Marcus's face contorted into a mask of anger, his voice laced with a threat as he stepped closer to her. "You have no choice, Amelia. You will go to the palace, bear the Alpha King a son. You will do as I say." Amelia's breath caught in her throat as she stared at Marcus. The realization sank in that she had no choice. But even in the midst of her despair, a flicker of determination ignited within Amelia. She would not allow herself to be reduced to a pawn, a common piece. Drawing on every ounce of strength she possessed, Amelia straightened her spine and looked Marcus in the eye. "I refuse," she declared, her voice steady and resolute. "I will not be a slave to your greed or the Alpha King's whims. If you are tired of me then I will leave but I will not be sold off like I am nothing." Marcus' claws extracted and in a blur of seconds, he wrapped them around her neck, digging into her skin, "I have had to put up with your attitude for so long. You will either be of use to me, alive" He squeezed harder as she gasped out for breath, "Or dead." He drew away from her, tossing her to the ground like a rag doll. "Pack your bags Amelia, tomorrow at the first light you will leave for the palace and if you try to run." He raised his hand and his claws came down, slashing across the painting of her mother in the room, "That will be your fate." Amelia's steps faltered as she left the comfort of the place she once called home, her heart heavy with a mix of fear and uncertainty. The familiar surroundings that once offered solace now seemed suffocating. She took a deep breath, the crisp morning air filling her lungs as she gathered the strength to face the unknown. Marcus's voice echoed in her mind, his final warning reverberating through her thoughts. "Remember, Amelia, you are bound by this agreement. Bear the Alpha King a son, and only then will you earn your freedom." His words hung in the air like a haunting melody, a constant reminder of the weight of her circumstances. Amelia's heart clenched at the realization that her fate was sealed, at least for now. Tears welled in her eyes as she gazed back at the house, memories of a simpler time flooding her mind when her parents were alive. The laughter shared, the dreams woven, and the love she had believed was genuine. It all seemed like a distant illusion now. She took a deep breath as her legs moved forward. As Amelia walked through her small pack village, she could feel the weight of horror in the pack members' eyes. The news had spread through the territory like wildfire. Whispers followed her every step, their words laced with curiosity and pity. Finally she made it to the Alpha King's palace after three nights exhausted and tired. The imposing structure loomed before her, its cold stone walls a stark contrast to the warmth she had once known. As she stepped through the grand entrance, she was engulfed by a sense of foreboding. The air was heavy with an unspoken tension, the palace exuding an aura of power and control. She was a mere pawn in this grand game, entering a world where her every move would be scrutinized, her every action controlled. You must be Amelia," a voice broke through the haze of Amelia's thoughts. She turned her head swiftly to the source. Standing there was a short woman, her graying hair cascading around her face, contrasting with the piercing blue of her eyes. The woman's expression remained blank, revealing no hint of emotion. Amelia nodded slowly, her throat tight with anxiety and apprehension. "I will take you to your room," the woman said, her voice devoid of warmth or compassion. "But wipe those tears from your face. If there is one thing the Alpha hates more than weakness, it's tears." The woman led Amelia through the opulent corridors of the palace, the grandeur and extravagance of the surroundings adding to her sense of unease. Finally, they stopped before an intricately carved door, its rich wood displaying the skill and craftsmanship of the palace artisans. The woman paused, her gaze fixed on Amelia for a fleeting moment, before pushing the door open. A gasp escaped Amelia's lips as she stepped into the room, her eyes widening at the magnificence that unfolded before her. "Prepare yourself," the woman's voice broke through Amelia's thoughts, causing her to startle. "The Alpha will come for you when the moon rises in the sky." The weight of those words settled upon Amelia's shoulders, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread. She knew that her fate was sealed, that her encounter with the Alpha King was inevitable. The woman turned around abruptly, shutting the door behind her, leaving Amelia to grapple with the finality of her situation. Amelia stared out her window, counting the seconds to when the Alpha King would come to take her innocence. Different thoughts ran through her mind as to why he needed a pup, why he didn't take a mate like it was expected, making her his Luna who would bear his pups. She stirred, waiting anxiously, her nose caught a scent making her stomach rumble cutting through her thoughts. Realization dawned on her that she hadn't had anything to eat all day as she held her empty stomach. Amelia walked to the door, opening it slightly, peeping to see if anyone was roaming the corridors. Luckily she was in the clear. She sucked in a deep breath, taking a step outside. With her heightened senses, she followed her nose in the direction of the aromatic scent that wafted through the air. She took a turn and walked right into a hard wall. She looked up and every nerve in her body stilled. It wasn't a wall. Lucius' golden eyes stared down at her with a mix of irritation and annoyance. His deep voice resonated through the corridors, sending a shiver down her spine, "What are you doing out of your room?" But that wasn't what scared her, it was the fact that her wolf kept pacing around in her head repeating the word, "Mate."
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