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Chapter 5 No Good Intentions

Tia was stunned, unable to believe her ears. Seeing her father so serious, she could only hold back and take a few steps back. MacIntyre didn’t care at all. Compared to the sisters, this was nothing. However, he knew he needed to teach her a lesson. “Don’t judge people by their looks or listen to rumors. Did you see me with prostitutes? Did you see me getting caught? Those who spread gossip are usually dirty themselves. Hypocrites.” “Who are you calling a hypocrite?” MacIntyre made a funny face, surprisingly in a good mood. Seeing this, Heatonmon quickly apologized to MacIntyre. “She’s been spoiled by me. Please don’t take it to heart.” MacIntyre shrugged. “I don’t care about her, but remember, I saved your life. There’s no such thing as a free lunch in this world...” “Of course!” Heatonmon, experienced and astute, immediately understood MacIntyre’s implication and asked how much he wanted. MacIntyre had nothing but his life now, so he couldn’t afford to be frugal. “That’s up to your generosity. After all, if word gets out that you were stingy, it wouldn’t be good for your reputation, right?” Heatonmon was stunned for a moment. It was a tough spot. Giving too little wouldn’t do, and giving too much would hurt. What should he do? “How about this? I’ll visit the estate tomorrow and we can discuss it then.” MacIntyre shook his head. “Forget it. If you don’t want to give, just say so. Tomorrow? Who knows if I’ll live until tomorrow.” Tia, getting angrier, couldn’t help but step forward. “What do you want? Should I give you our whole house? Hmph, I knew you had no good intentions.” “Stop it! Stand back!” Heatonmon thought for a moment. “How about this: I was thinking of a partnership anyway. Why don’t you come to my home for a meal and we can talk over dinner.” “There’s food? That’s a good idea!” As they walked out, Tia whispered, “Dad, he’s just a bastard. Why are you being so polite?” James spoke up. “He’s a high-level practitioner, probably at the Initial Ascension level.” “Nonsense. Look at him. Initial Ascension? More like ascending to heaven.” “Initial Ascension is the first level, but those who reach it aren’t ordinary people. James, are you joking?” Heatonmon began to doubt MacIntyre’s abilities, thinking he looked like a homeless wanderer. If he didn’t have such power, there was no need to be polite. Killing him wouldn’t be noticed. But if it were true, it would be amazing. In Starburg City, only a few people had reached this level, and the youngest was quite old. MacIntyre, in his twenties, could dine with gods in the future. They had to curry favor with him. “Well... I’ve only seen it once, but it seems real.” “James, I’ll bet you. If he’s really that powerful, I’ll marry him. If he’s not, you’ll be my personal bodyguard.” Tia was smug, not believing it at all. Heatonmon sighed. “I don’t think it’s true either. It’s impossible at his age. Let’s just get rid of him to avoid trouble.” In the car, MacIntyre enjoyed the ride, having seen nothing but walls for the past year. “Who taught you this medical skill? Who’s your teacher?” MacIntyre stretched. “Self-taught. It’s either heal or meet God. What’s there to learn?” “You!!” MacIntyre’s response made the three break into a cold sweat. So he was just lucky, willing to take any job for money. Heatonmon didn’t want to deal with him anymore, thinking his survival was a divine miracle, regretting the money he had to give. He wanted to kick MacIntyre out of the car. “Why the long faces? It’s just a little money.” “If you say one more word, I’ll throw you out now!” As Tia issued her warning, the car suddenly swerved as if hit. If not for James’s quick reaction, they would have gone over a cliff. “Do you even know how to drive?” MacIntyre, startled, hadn’t noticed what happened while enjoying the scenery. James, now serious, unbuttoned his shirt. “We might be delayed.” He stepped out as several motorcycles approached, each carrying two armed men. “James, find out who sent them. I want proof.” James nodded at Heatonmon, showing complete trust. “Oh my, this big guy is amazing. One punch and one down.” MacIntyre watched from the window in awe. Tia glared at him. “Hmph, I knew being with you would bring trouble, you wretch!” “You’re closest to me. Why aren’t you in trouble?” “You!!” Tia, unable to respond, tried to hit MacIntyre, but he grabbed her. At that moment, Heatonmon suddenly turned menacing, holding a knife to MacIntyre’s neck. “Did you send them? Clever. Earn my trust and then strike. No one would suspect you, right?” MacIntyre didn’t explain, releasing Tia and calmly looking ahead. “You better not try anything. I guarantee you’ll see your head cut off.” MacIntyre wasn’t bluffing. He could do it, though it wasn’t necessary. James had easily dealt with a few men when someone approached from behind. “James, long time no see. Hearing you’d be here, I didn’t sleep well last night.” “You know me?” James was puzzled. “In a way. You’ll understand in hell.” The newcomer attacked, sending James flying several meters. James tried to retaliate but was struck again, forced to his knees in pain. “James!!” Tia screamed, but James signaled her to run. “Get away! He’s a Level 3 Assassin!” As the words left his mouth, the attacker landed another blow, making James cough up blood. Heatonmon grew anxious hearing ‘Assassin,’ knowing a Level 1 could kill them all. A Level 3 meant no chance of survival. James was thrown in front of them, too weak to stand. “Hmph, what a disappointment. Didn’t think you’d be so weak.” The attacker then looked inside the car. Tia, terrified, clung to Heatonmon. “Dad, do something! What do we do?” Heatonmon closed his eyes in despair, seeing no way out. “Sorry, Tia. See you in the next life.” MacIntyre, picking his ear, nodded towards the attacker. “Want to live? Pay up, I’ll do the work.” “No time to negotiate. One price, ten pounds of gold. I guarantee you won’t lose a hair.”

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