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A Dance in TimeA Dance in Time
By: Webfic

Chapter Three - The Disruptive Heir

As she drove home, Deonna's mind buzzed with questions and possibilities. Could she handle the responsibilities of a management position? Was she ready to leave the comfort of her familiar surroundings for the unknown challenges of corporate headquarters? The next morning, Deonna arrived at the office earlier than usual, her mind still buzzing with thoughts of Mr. Holloway's offer. She had barely settled at her desk when a ripple of excitement swept through the office. Hushed whispers and wide-eyed glances toward the elevator told her something was amiss. Laura practically skidded to a stop at Deonna's desk, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "You're not going to believe who just walked in," she hissed. Before Deonna could respond, the elevator doors slid open, and a tall figure stepped out. The entire office seemed to hold its breath. Deonna's first thought was that this must be another corporate bigwig, like Mr. Holloway. But as the man strode confidently through the office, she realized this was someone else entirely. His impeccably tailored suit screamed wealth, but it was his bearing that truly set him apart. He moved with the easy grace of someone who knew they owned the room – and probably the entire building. "That's Logan Maine," Laura whispered, her voice tinged with awe. "The heir to Maine Enterprises. What on earth is he doing here?" Deonna watched as Logan Maine made his way through the office, barely acknowledging the starstruck employees around him. His chiseled features and piercing blue eyes might have been attractive if not for the arrogant set of his jaw and the dismissive way he glanced around the room. As he approached their area, Deonna quickly turned back to her computer, determined not to be caught staring. She could hear Mr. Evans' flustered voice as he hurried to greet the unexpected visitor. "Mr. Maine! What a pleasant surprise. We had no idea you were coming to visit our branch today." Logan's voice was smooth and cultured, with an undercurrent of boredom. "Yes, well, I thought it was time I saw how things were running out here in the... provinces." Deonna bristled at his tone. Provinces? Did he think they were living in the Dark Ages? She kept her head down, focusing on her work, but she could feel Logan's presence as he moved closer to her desk. Suddenly, a hand slammed down on the stack of reports she had just finished organizing. "You there," Logan's voice cut through the air. "I need the quarterly projections for this branch. Now." Deonna looked up, meeting Logan's imperious gaze. She forced a polite smile onto her face. "Of course, Mr. Maine. May I ask which specific projections you're looking for? We have several different reports available." Logan's eyebrow arched, as if surprised she could string together a coherent sentence. "All of them. I assume you're capable of gathering that information?" Swallowing her irritation, Deonna nodded. "Certainly. It'll take me a few minutes to compile everything. Would you like to wait here, or shall I bring the reports to Mr. Evans' office when they're ready?" For a moment, Logan seemed taken aback by her composure. Then a smirk played at the corner of his mouth. "I'll wait. Do try to be quick about it." As Deonna turned to her computer, she could feel Logan's eyes on her. She refused to let him see how much he was getting under her skin. With practiced efficiency, she pulled up the necessary files and began printing them. While the printer hummed, Logan leaned against her desk, his expensive cologne invading her space. "So, tell me... Deonna," he said, glancing at her nameplate. "How long have you been pushing papers in this little outpost?" Deonna met his gaze steadily. "I've been with Maine Enterprises for over three years, Mr. Maine. This 'little outpost' as you call it, has consistently met or exceeded its targets during that time." Logan's eyes narrowed slightly, but his smirk remained. "Is that so? Well, isn't that... quaint." Before Deonna could respond, the printer finished its job. She gathered the reports, neatly arranging them in a folder before standing and offering it to Logan. "Here are the quarterly projections you requested, Mr. Maine. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Logan took the folder, his fingers brushing against hers for a moment longer than necessary. "No, that will be all... for now." With a final appraising look, he turned and strode towards Mr. Evans' office, leaving a wake of whispers and stares behind him. Laura appeared at Deonna's side the moment Logan was out of earshot. "Oh my god, Deonna! I can't believe Logan Maine talked to you. What was he like up close? Is he as gorgeous as he looks in the magazines?" Deonna sank back into her chair, letting out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. "He's certainly... something," she said diplomatically. "But I wouldn't say gorgeous. More like... infuriating." Laura's eyes widened. "Infuriating? But he's Logan Maine! He's rich, handsome, powerful..." "And arrogant, condescending, and rude," Deonna finished. "Trust me, Laura, there's nothing attractive about the way he treats people." As the days passed, Logan's presence became a regular fixture in the office. He claimed he was there to oversee operations, but Deonna couldn't shake the feeling that he had an ulterior motive. Whatever the reason, his constant interruptions were making it difficult for her to focus on her work – and on the decision she still needed to make about Mr. Holloway's offer. Logan seemed to take particular pleasure in disrupting Deonna's day. He'd appear at her desk at random intervals, demanding reports or information, always with that infuriating smirk on his face. Deonna did her best to maintain her professionalism, but with each interaction, she could feel her patience wearing thin. One particularly hectic afternoon, Deonna was in the middle of organizing a large stack of client files when Logan sauntered over to her desk. "My, my, aren't we busy?" he drawled, leaning against her desk. "I do hope I'm not interrupting anything important." Deonna forced a smile. "Not at all, Mr. Maine. How can I help you today?" Logan's eyes glinted with mischief. "Oh, I was just passing by and thought I'd see how our little worker bee was doing. Those files look terribly dull. Are you sure you wouldn't rather be doing something more... exciting?" The suggestive tone in his voice made Deonna's skin crawl. She opened her mouth to reply when suddenly, Logan's arm swept across her desk, scattering the carefully arranged files across the floor. "Oh dear," he said, his voice dripping with false concern. "How clumsy of me. It was an accident, I assure you." Deonna stared at the mess on the floor, then back at Logan. His eyes were challenging her, daring her to react. She could feel the eyes of her coworkers on them, waiting to see what would happen. Taking a deep breath, Deonna knelt down and began gathering the scattered papers. "Accidents happen, Mr. Maine," she said, her voice calm and steady. "I'll have these reorganized in no time." She could sense Logan's surprise at her composure. He stood there for a moment, watching her work, before crouching down beside her. "Here, allow me to help," he said, reaching for a file. Deonna gently but firmly placed her hand on top of his, stopping him. "Thank you, but that won't be necessary. I have a specific system for organizing these files. I wouldn't want to trouble you with the details." Their eyes met, and for a moment, Deonna saw something flicker in Logan's gaze – respect, perhaps? Or was it admiration? But then his trademark smirk was back in place. "Very well," he said, standing up. "I'll leave you to your... system. Carry on, Deonna."

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