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A Dance in TimeA Dance in Time
By: Webfic

Chapter Two - Office Drama and Minor Conflicts

Exchanging a worried glance with Laura, Deonna stood and made her way to Mr. Evans' office. Marcy was already there, standing rigidly by the desk. Mr. Evans looked between the two of them, his expression stern. "Would either of you care to explain what's going on out there? We have an important visitor coming, and I need everyone working together smoothly." Marcy jumped in before Deonna could speak. "Sir, there was a misunderstanding about some important files. Deonna moved them without informing me, and it caused a delay in my preparations." Deonna's jaw dropped. "That's not true, Mr. Evans. The files were moved weeks ago, at Marcy's request. It's all documented in the shared calendar." Mr. Evans held up a hand, silencing them both. He turned to his computer, quickly pulling up the calendar in question. After a moment of scrolling, he nodded. "Deonna's right," he said, looking at Marcy. "The move is clearly noted here, by you, Marcy. In the future, please check the shared resources before making accusations." Marcy's face flushed an even deeper red. "But sir, I—" "That's enough," Mr. Evans cut her off. "We don't have time for this. Marcy, get back to your preparations. Deonna, thank you for handling this professionally. That'll be all." As they left the office, Deonna could feel Marcy's glare burning into her back. She returned to her desk, feeling a mix of vindication and exhaustion. Is this what her career had come to? Dealing with petty office drama and misplaced files? The rest of the morning passed in a blur of heightened activity. Deonna found herself fielding an increasing number of calls and emails, all while trying to maintain her usual level of efficiency. The atmosphere in the office was electric, a mix of excitement and nervousness that seemed to affect everyone. Around lunchtime, Laura stopped by Deonna's desk again, this time with a sandwich in hand. "Thought you might need this," she said, placing it on Deonna's desk. "You've been going non-stop all morning." Deonna smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Laura. You're a lifesaver." Laura perched on the edge of the desk, lowering her voice. "So, any more drama with Marcy?" Deonna shook her head, unwrapping the sandwich. "No, thankfully. But this whole situation has me thinking..." "About what?" Laura asked, curiosity evident in her voice. Deonna took a bite of her sandwich, chewing thoughtfully before responding. "About whether this is really what I want to be doing with my life. Solving petty conflicts, managing schedules, being a cog in a machine that barely notices me." Laura's expression softened. "Oh, Deonna. I had no idea you felt that way. Have you thought about looking for something else?" "All the time," Deonna admitted. "But then I think about the stability of this job, the regular paycheck. It's not easy to walk away from that." Laura nodded sympathetically. "I get it. But you're smart, Deonna. You're capable of so much more than this. Maybe this mystery visitor will shake things up around here. Who knows? It could be an opportunity." Before Deonna could respond, a hush fell over the office. All heads turned towards the elevator as the doors slid open, revealing a tall, imposing figure in an immaculate suit. Mr. Evans hurried forward, hand outstretched. "Mr. Holloway, welcome to our branch. We're honored to have you here." The man – Mr. Holloway – shook Mr. Evans' hand firmly. "Thank you for having me. I'm looking forward to seeing how things operate out here." As Mr. Evans led Mr. Holloway on a tour of the office, Deonna couldn't help but feel a spark of curiosity. Who was this man, and why was he really here? The rest of the afternoon was a whirlwind of activity. Deonna found herself pulled into impromptu meetings, asked to produce reports at a moment's notice, and generally run off her feet trying to keep up with the demands of the day. As the clock ticked towards five, Deonna was just finishing up the last of her tasks when Mr. Evans appeared at her desk once again. "Deonna, could you come to my office for a moment?" he asked, his tone unreadable. Feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension, Deonna followed him. To her surprise, Mr. Holloway was there, seated comfortably in one of the guest chairs. Mr. Evans cleared his throat. "Deonna, Mr. Holloway here has been observing our operations today, and he had a few questions he wanted to ask you directly." Mr. Holloway smiled, gesturing for Deonna to take a seat. "Ms. Vernetti, I've heard quite a bit about you today. Your colleagues speak highly of your problem-solving skills and your ability to manage complex situations." Deonna felt a blush creeping up her neck. "Thank you, sir. I just try to do my job to the best of my ability." Mr. Holloway nodded approvingly. "That's precisely the kind of attitude we value. Tell me, Ms. Vernetti, how long have you been with Maine Enterprises?" "Just over three years now, sir," Deonna replied. "And in that time, have you ever considered taking on more responsibility? Perhaps moving into a management role?" Deonna hesitated, aware of Mr. Evans watching her closely. "To be honest, sir, I haven't really been given the opportunity to consider it. My current role keeps me quite busy." Mr. Holloway leaned forward, his eyes intense. "What if I told you that an opportunity has just opened up? We're looking for someone to head up a new project management division at our headquarters. Someone with your skills and attitude could be just what we need." Deonna's mind raced. Was this really happening? "I... I'm flattered, sir. But I'm not sure I'm qualified for such a position." Mr. Holloway waved his hand dismissively. "Qualifications can be learned, Ms. Vernetti. What we can't teach is initiative, problem-solving ability, and a cool head under pressure. You've demonstrated all of those qualities today." He stood, extending his hand. "Think about it. If you're interested, we can discuss the details further. This could be a significant step up for you, both in terms of responsibility and compensation." As Deonna shook his hand, her mind whirled with possibilities. Was this the change she had been longing for? A chance to prove herself, to do something meaningful? As she left Mr. Evans' office, she caught sight of Laura, who was watching her with a mixture of curiosity and concern. Deonna gave her a small smile and a thumbs up, her heart racing with excitement and nervousness. For the first time in a long while, Deonna left the office that evening with a sense of anticipation rather than relief. The monotony of her daily routine had been shattered, and in its place stood the promise of something new, challenging, and potentially life-changing.

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