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A Dance in TimeA Dance in Time
By: Webfic

Chapter Four - The Battle Begins

As he walked away, Deonna could feel the weight of his gaze on her back. She refused to look up, focusing instead on the task at hand. But she couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between them. Later that evening, as Deonna was preparing to leave, she found a sleek envelope on her desk. Inside was a handwritten note: "Ms. Vernetti, Your composure today was... impressive. Perhaps there's more to you than meets the eye. I look forward to our next encounter. L.M." Deonna stared at the note, a mix of emotions swirling within her. On one hand, she was flattered by the grudging compliment. On the other, she was irritated that Logan seemed to view their interactions as some sort of game. As she drove home that night, Deonna couldn't help but reflect on the strange turn her life had taken. A week ago, her biggest concern had been the monotony of her job. Now, she was juggling a potential promotion, the attentions of her infuriating boss's son, and the growing realization that she was capable of so much more than she'd ever given herself credit for. The next few days brought a flurry of activity to the office. News of Logan Maine's presence had spread, and suddenly their little branch was the center of attention. Deonna found herself fielding calls from other departments, all eager for information about the heir's visit. Through it all, Logan continued his campaign of disruption. He'd appear at Deonna's desk with increasingly outlandish requests, each one designed to test her patience and professionalism. But Deonna refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing her flustered. One afternoon, as Deonna was in the middle of a important client call, Logan perched on the edge of her desk, deliberately knocking over her pencil holder. "Oops," he said with a grin, making no move to help clean up the mess. Deonna calmly continued her conversation, deftly picking up the scattered pens with her free hand. She could see Logan watching her, waiting for her to crack. As soon as she hung up the phone, Logan leaned in close. "You know, most people would have lost their cool by now. What's your secret, Deonna? Yoga? Meditation? Or are you just naturally this... unflappable?" Deonna met his gaze steadily. "Perhaps I simply have better things to do than rise to your bait, Mr. Maine. Now, was there something you needed, or are you just here to redecorate my desk?" For a moment, Logan looked taken aback. Then, to Deonna's surprise, he threw back his head and laughed. "Oh, Deonna," he said, wiping a tear from his eye. "You are a rare find indeed. Most people are too intimidated by my name or my looks to speak to me that way." "Well, I'm not most people," Deonna replied. "And with all due respect, Mr. Maine, your name and looks don't excuse poor behavior." Logan's eyes glinted with something that looked suspiciously like admiration. "No, I suppose they don't. You know, Deonna, I think you and I could have a very interesting working relationship." Before Deonna could respond, Mr. Evans appeared, looking flustered. "Mr. Maine, sir! I've been looking for you. There's an urgent call from headquarters." Logan sighed dramatically. "Duty calls, I'm afraid. We'll continue this another time, Deonna. I have a feeling our conversations are about to get much more... interesting." As Logan walked away, Deonna couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and dread. What game was Logan playing? And more importantly, how could she stay one step ahead of him? That evening, as Deonna was packing up to leave, she found another envelope on her desk. This time, the note inside read: "Dinner. Tomorrow night. 8 PM. I won't take no for an answer. L.M." Deonna stared at the note, her mind racing. Was this a date? A business meeting? Or just another one of Logan's games? Whatever it was, she knew one thing for certain: tomorrow night was going to be anything but ordinary. As the clock ticked closer to the dinner, Deonna found herself uncharacteristically nervous. She rifled through her closet, trying to find something appropriate for the occasion. After much deliberation, she settled on a simple black dress - professional enough for a business meeting, but elegant enough for a more formal setting. "Get a grip, Deonna," she muttered to herself as she applied a light layer of makeup. "It's just dinner. With your infuriating boss's son. No big deal." She arrived at the restaurant precisely on time, her stomach a knot of anticipation. The maître d' led her to a table where Logan was already seated, along with several other people she didn't recognize. "Ah, Deonna," Logan said, his trademark smirk firmly in place. "So glad you could join us. Let me introduce you to everyone." Deonna's hopes of a quiet, explanatory dinner evaporated as Logan rattled off a list of names. His girlfriend, Vivian, a willowy blonde with a cool gaze. His college friends, Jack and Melissa. A business associate whose name Deonna immediately forgot. "Everyone, this is Deonna. She works at our branch office," Logan said, his tone dismissive. Deonna forced a smile, trying to ignore the sting of his casual disregard. She took the only empty seat, finding herself at the far end of the table, practically isolated from the main conversation. As the evening wore on, Deonna found herself increasingly frustrated. Logan barely acknowledged her presence, too busy regaling his friends with stories of his latest business triumphs and social exploits. His girlfriend, Vivian, occasionally cast curious glances in Deonna's direction, but never made an effort to include her in the conversation. After an hour of picking at her food and straining to hear snippets of conversation, Deonna had had enough. She quietly excused herself, but no one seemed to notice. As she left the restaurant, she couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and irritation. What had been the point of inviting her at all? The next morning, Deonna arrived at work determined to put the awkward dinner behind her. She had barely settled at her desk when Logan appeared, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. "Good morning, Deonna," he said, his voice overly cheerful. "I trust you enjoyed yourself last night?" Before Deonna could respond, Logan's arm swept out in an exaggerated gesture, sending the coffee flying across her desk. The hot liquid splashed over her carefully organized documents, seeping into the papers and staining them beyond repair. "Oh no," Logan gasped, his concern so obviously fake that Deonna had to bite her tongue to keep from lashing out. "How clumsy of me. You really should be more careful about where you put your things, Deonna. We wouldn't want any important documents to be ruined, would we?" Deonna took a deep breath, forcing herself to remain calm. "Accidents happen, Mr. Maine. If you'll excuse me, I need to salvage what I can of this work." Logan's smirk widened. "Of course, of course. Do try to be more careful in the future, won't you?" With that, he sauntered away, leaving Deonna to deal with the mess. For the next hour, Deonna painstakingly sorted through the coffee-soaked papers, trying to save whatever information she could. Her friend Nia from accounting stopped by, her eyes widening at the sight of Deonna's ruined desk. "What happened here?" Nia asked, helping Deonna mop up the spilled coffee.

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