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A Dance in TimeA Dance in Time
By: Webfic

Chapter One - The Routine at Reception

The fluorescent lights flickered to life as Deonna Vernetti stepped into the office of Maine Enterprises' peripheral branch. The familiar scent of stale coffee and printer ink greeted her, a reminder of countless mornings just like this one. She made her way to her small desk tucked away in the corner, nodding politely to the early birds already hunched over their computers. As Deonna settled into her chair, her colleague Laura rolled over, coffee mug in hand and a bright smile on her face. "Morning, Deonna! Ready for another thrilling day in paradise?" Laura's voice dripped with playful sarcasm. Deonna couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh, you know me, Laura. I live for the excitement of spreadsheets and phone calls." Laura leaned in, lowering her voice conspiratorially. "Speaking of excitement, any big plans for the weekend? I heard about this new bar downtown that's supposed to be amazing." "Nothing too wild," Deonna replied, booting up her computer. "Probably just catch up on some reading, maybe do a bit of gardening if the weather holds up." Laura's eyebrows shot up. "Gardening? Come on, Deonna, you're young! You should be out there living it up, not playing in the dirt with your petunias." Deonna shrugged, a small smile playing on her lips. "What can I say? I find it relaxing. Besides, not all of us can be party animals like you, Laura." Their banter was interrupted by the shrill ring of Deonna's phone. She picked it up, slipping effortlessly into her professional persona. "Maine Enterprises, Deonna speaking. How may I assist you today?" As Deonna jotted down notes and checked the company calendar, Laura mouthed "Talk later" and wheeled back to her own desk. The familiar routine of the day began to unfold: transferring calls, scheduling meetings, sorting through the never-ending stream of emails that flooded her inbox. Time seemed to crawl by, each task blending into the next. Deonna found her mind wandering, imagining herself anywhere but here. She pictured herself traveling the world, writing a bestselling novel, or starting her own business. Anything that would break the monotony of her current situation. Her daydreaming was abruptly halted by Mr. Evans, the branch manager, stopping by her desk with a frown etched on his face. "Deonna, we seem to have a problem," he said, his tone clipped. "The Johnson meeting and the quarterly review are both scheduled for Conference Room A at 2 PM. How did this happen?" Deonna's stomach dropped as she quickly pulled up the calendar. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Evans. It looks like there was an oversight when booking the rooms. Let me see what I can do to fix this." Mr. Evans crossed his arms, clearly annoyed. "This is unacceptable, Deonna. We can't have these kinds of mix-ups. The Johnson account is crucial, and we can't afford to reschedule the quarterly review." "I understand, sir," Deonna replied, her mind already racing through potential solutions. "Give me a few minutes, and I'll have this sorted out." As Mr. Evans walked away, muttering under his breath, Deonna sprang into action. She picked up the phone, dialing the manager of the co-working space down the street. "Hi, Tom? It's Deonna from Maine Enterprises. I know this is last minute, but I was wondering if you had any meeting rooms available this afternoon?" After a few minutes of negotiation and some quick rearranging, Deonna had a solution. She hurried to Mr. Evans' office, knocking lightly on the open door. "Mr. Evans? I've resolved the scheduling conflict," she said, trying to keep the pride out of her voice. "The Johnson meeting will stay in Conference Room A, and I've secured a space at the co-working center down the street for the quarterly review. I've already notified all participants of the change in venue." Mr. Evans looked up from his computer, surprise evident on his face. "That was... quick. Good work, Deonna. I appreciate your initiative." As Deonna walked back to her desk, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration. Yes, she had solved the problem efficiently, but was this really what she wanted to be doing with her life? Solving minor crises in an office where she was barely noticed most of the time? The rest of the day dragged on, each tick of the clock a reminder of the time she was spending in a job that left her feeling unfulfilled. As she gathered her things to leave, Deonna couldn't shake the feeling that she was meant for something more. The next morning, Deonna arrived at the office to find it buzzing with an unusual energy. Clusters of employees huddled together, speaking in hushed tones and throwing furtive glances towards the elevators. Laura practically pounced on Deonna as soon as she reached her desk. "Have you heard?" she whispered excitedly. Deonna raised an eyebrow. "Heard what? Did Mr. Evans finally get that toupee we've all been recommending?" Laura giggled but quickly sobered. "No, no. Word is, we're getting a visit from someone big. Like, really big." "How big are we talking?" Deonna asked, her curiosity piqued despite her usual indifference to office gossip. "I heard Marcy say it might be someone from corporate headquarters," Laura replied, her eyes wide. "Can you imagine? We never get anyone important out here in the boonies." Deonna frowned, considering the implications. "That is strange. Any idea why they'd be coming?" Laura shrugged. "No clue, but everyone's on edge. Marcy's been running around like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to make sure everything's perfect." As if summoned by her name, Marcy appeared at Deonna's desk, her face flushed and her hair slightly disheveled. "Deonna, I need the client files for the last quarter. Where are they?" Deonna blinked, taken aback by Marcy's frantic tone. "They should be in the shared drive, same place they always are. Is everything okay, Marcy?" Marcy's eyes narrowed. "No, everything is not okay. Those files aren't where they're supposed to be, and I need them for the meeting later. Did you move them?" "I haven't touched those files, Marcy," Deonna replied calmly, turning to her computer. "Let me check the system and see if I can find them for you." As Deonna navigated through the company's digital filing system, Marcy tapped her foot impatiently. After a few moments, Deonna found what she was looking for. "Here they are," she said, pointing to the screen. "They're in the 'Completed Projects' folder. Remember? We moved them there after the last review." Marcy's face reddened, but whether from embarrassment or anger, Deonna couldn't tell. "Why wasn't I informed about this? I've wasted half the morning looking for these files!" Deonna took a deep breath, reminding herself to stay professional. "Marcy, it was your idea to move them. There's a note in the shared calendar about it. See?" She pulled up the calendar, showing Marcy the entry. Marcy's mouth opened and closed a few times, no sound coming out. Finally, she snatched a printout of the files from Deonna's printer and stormed off without another word. Laura, who had been watching the exchange with wide eyes, let out a low whistle. "Wow, she's really wound up today, huh?" Deonna sighed, rubbing her temples. "Yeah, this mystery visitor has everyone on edge. I just hope—" She was cut off by Mr. Evans' voice booming across the office. "Deonna, Marcy, my office. Now."
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