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She s The Queen Book 2 of Calypso s Story Novel

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Arrepentido por Su Decisión
By: Webfic RománticaIncluso el corazón más frío pronto se calentaría si seguía aferrándose a él. Eso era lo que ella creía. Por eso se convirtió en su esposa no amada. Desafortunadamente, toda su piedad sólo condujo a un divorcio cruel. "Ella está despierta ahora", le dijo. “Baja y aléjate, miserable impostor”. Luego, se fue. Cuando regresó, fue porque necesitaba que ella hiciera algo que sólo un impostor podía hacer: ir a la cárcel por el crimen de la chica de sus sueños. Deirdre McKinnon fue condenada a perdición. Ella perdió a su bebé antes de que naciera y también su rostro debido a la violencia. Incluso perdió su vista. Fueron dos meses de una pesadilla infernal. Por fin, algo murió dentro de su corazón. Dos años después, encontró otro hombre, pero cuando Brendan Brighthall la conoció por pura casualidad, un nuevo sentimiento nació en su corazón: los celos. No había ningún medio demasiado terrible, ningún plan demasiado clandestino... no si eso significaba que volvería a poseer el corazón de Deirdre. Y, sin embargo, ella simplemente se negó a amarlo más. “¡¿Qué quieres que haga, Deirdre McKinnon?! ¿Qué debo hacer para volver a los buenos tiempos de ese entonces? Sus ojos se pusieron rojos. “¡Te daré todo lo que tengo!” “Me diste una baratija de cobre hace dos años. Era una lamentable excusa para un anillo de bodas y, sin embargo, lo cuidaba como si fuera la joya más preciosa del mundo… “¿Pero ahora? Nada de lo que puedas dar valdría la pena ni remotamente. Ni siquiera tú."
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My Half-Vampire Mate
By: Webfic His eyes traveled all over my body, from head to toe. It made me self-conscious for some reason. "The dress fits you well," then he paused and murmured, looking at the floor. "I was wondering if you'd like it or not." "Huh?" His head turned to me again as if he was freed from a trance. "So now will you tell me what I have to do for you, sir?" I said sarcastically. "What?" He looked at me with surprise. "What? You have to have some purpose for keeping me here by force," I said, pressing on the last two words. He paused for a few seconds and then the lamest thing I could have ever imagined came out of his mouth. "Yes, you are here to serve me," he stated blankly. "What? Did I hear you right? You knocked me out, kidnapped my sister, and blackmailed me into coming here just to be your servant?" I cried out in disbelief. A smirk began to settle on his face as he took in my reaction. He was enjoying this absurdity even more! "Yes, dear. You are here to serve me. From now on, you will be with me 24 hours. All matters regarding me are your responsibility from now on." This is insane! Is he really a pervert? What is he trying to pull? "But you already have a lot of servants!" I protested. 'And they're always at your beck and call too! Why the hell would you have me kidnapped for this? And who gives new clothes and breakfast in bed to a servant?" This was driving me crazy. Was he playing with me? Probably, a rotten rich vampire prince playing for fun. But I was not going to play hooky with him. No way! He kidnapped her sister and forced her to be with him. She waited for the right time to get herself and her sister free. But when the time will come, will she want to get away from him?
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