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My Ex husband is a bastard He wants me back Novel

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Her monster
By: Webfic They had gone for shopping. It was late at night, when they were returning. Aisha could see trees along the tree. she always felt scared by their darkness at night, the mystery hidden behind those woods. the fear of unknown was always there in her.Aisha gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. everyone was really happy. but there was something special about the baby. the energy around her could change the moods of people, she could attract people without even doing anything .Aisha was going out with her daughter, when on the steps of their house, a lady was standing.she looked at the baby and came nearer." this girl is special. protect her! god has chosen the dark for her .... for her to be the light in that dark. "she left after that and Aisha was left standing there shocked. she took the baby to a cousin's place. her maternal family knew witchcraft. she knew that the words of the lady were not vain.when she reached her cousin's place, her cousin got shocked seeing the baby. it was the first time, her cousin was seeing the baby, she didn't leave the house, until it was utmost necessary.her cousin took them to a darker room, and started going through some drawers. " the lady told you the truth. we can't hide her forever, but we can protect her for now " her cousin said and put an amulet around the baby's neck. it had a beautiful blue stone in it.Aisha looked ready to break down. she had got blessed by a baby after a decade of their wedding. she didn't want to lose her daughter.her cousin came near her " don't worry! just don't let her ever remove this amulet. not even for some minutes"Aisha went home and shared everything with Darsh " the energy around her was different, I could feel it. now, it's more contained, more avoidable. let's just pray, that god will do which would be better for her " Darsh said and kissed the forehead of her daughter.
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Heredera Desenmascarada: Sacudir el Mundo con la Geomancia
By: Webfic RománticaDespués de ser expulsada de la familia García, María García se convirtió en la verdadera heredera multimillonaria. La familia García se arrepintió. Aprovechándose de los años de crianza, exigió la mitad de la fortuna de la familia Fernández como retribución. María se rió fríamente, y con un simple amuleto de la verdad, reveló la fea cara oculta de la familia García. El exnovio intentó volver y enredarse nuevamente. María levantó la mano y le dio una bofetada. Los primos la despreciaban, pensando que ella era una vergüenza. Pero entonces, el jefe de la familia González se presentó.—¡Cualquier condición está en la mesa, siempre que Pedro Fernández esté dispuesto a salvar a mi hija! Incluso la familia Gutiérrez, con la que la familia Fernández tenía viejas rencillas, llegó lamiendo el suelo,—Todo fue culpa de mi hermano pequeño. Mientras el Maestra María nos ayude, de ahora en adelante el Presidente Pedro será mi hermano mayor! Con el tiempo, incluso el primo que siempre desafiaba a todo el mundo se convirtió en su fiel seguidor,—¡Ella es mi única hermana! ¡Quien se atreva a insultarla, insultará a toda mi familia! Cuando la familia Fernández se dio cuenta de la situación, se sorprendieron al descubrir que la pequeña y supuestamente indefensa María era en realidad una gran maestra en La Orden Verdadera del Esoterismo.Exorcismo, oraciones y escrituras, salvar a la gente y aún tenía que conquistar a Alejandro. María dijo,—Estoy muy ocupada. Alejandro Rodríguez, dispuesto a aliviar su carga, respondió:—No necesitas conquistarme, ya soy tuyo.
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