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Mr CEO and his pregnant wife Novel

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Her monster
By: Webfic They had gone for shopping. It was late at night, when they were returning. Aisha could see trees along the tree. she always felt scared by their darkness at night, the mystery hidden behind those woods. the fear of unknown was always there in her.Aisha gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. everyone was really happy. but there was something special about the baby. the energy around her could change the moods of people, she could attract people without even doing anything .Aisha was going out with her daughter, when on the steps of their house, a lady was standing.she looked at the baby and came nearer." this girl is special. protect her! god has chosen the dark for her .... for her to be the light in that dark. "she left after that and Aisha was left standing there shocked. she took the baby to a cousin's place. her maternal family knew witchcraft. she knew that the words of the lady were not vain.when she reached her cousin's place, her cousin got shocked seeing the baby. it was the first time, her cousin was seeing the baby, she didn't leave the house, until it was utmost necessary.her cousin took them to a darker room, and started going through some drawers. " the lady told you the truth. we can't hide her forever, but we can protect her for now " her cousin said and put an amulet around the baby's neck. it had a beautiful blue stone in it.Aisha looked ready to break down. she had got blessed by a baby after a decade of their wedding. she didn't want to lose her daughter.her cousin came near her " don't worry! just don't let her ever remove this amulet. not even for some minutes"Aisha went home and shared everything with Darsh " the energy around her was different, I could feel it. now, it's more contained, more avoidable. let's just pray, that god will do which would be better for her " Darsh said and kissed the forehead of her daughter.
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Christmas With The Wolves
By: Webfic "S-Save me!" Roxanne ran desperately, pushing her body to its limits as she feared for her life. Her eyes darted across the vast woods, searching for the apparition she had seen before she took to her heels. Then she saw it, the thing which relentlessly pursued her. The shadow resembled something she had never seen before, a man, a beast, she had no idea. The only certainty she had left was the fact that it was after her. "Someone... Someone help me!" She cried. Her voice was lost in the large expanse of dried barks and wilted branches. The snowy field of thorns and the cold winds of winter seemed to swallow her entire being, almost like it choked her. Her breathing became uneven as she panted due to exhaustion, yet she couldn't stop running. Doing so would mean her end. As she dashed through the cold and snowy path, she could hear it getting closer. "Grrrrrrrrrrrr" The sound sent shivers down her spine. She willed herself with every fiber of her being not to look behind her for the fear of what she might see. She could feel it's gaze on her, she could hear the sound of it's growl. Roxanne could sense her pursuer's nearing proximity as she fled for her life. Many questions raced through her mind, but she didn't have the luxury to answer any of them. The only thing at the forefront of her mind was survival. ~ Coming to her grandma's in the woods for Christmas after an heated argument with her mom, Roxanne has never thought she would experience something like this. "Mine" The voice roared.
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