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Chapter 8

Ethan Vecton "Why do you hangout with a girl like that stupid girl?" Dean asked Jaden and that got me curious too because a guy like Jaden is hard to make friends that easily with someone yet he picked that girl "She has a name, not a stupid girl" "Dude.. This is not you. Why are you after a girl like that when you have a lot of hot girls lining up?" Tony laughed at it and I let out a small chuckle too "Never judge a book by it's cover. She might not that attractive when you look at her from her appearance but when you know her.. everything will be different" Jaden said as he threw a shot "Since when did you become this serious?" "She understands me when nobody of you not" Jaden shot a cold glare at us and I laughed "What kind of case does she understand that we're not? Don't be a pussy Jaden" I mocked him "I don't get why she likes you so much when you're so mean to her" Jaden asked and I felt arrogant because girls fall for me everytime "Girls fall for him everytime" Patt said "Can you at least tell her to her face that you don't want her? Because I want her" I froze when Jaden said that. It's Jaden that we're talking about. How can he fall for a girl like that stupid girl? His statement got me curious "You should man up and try to take her heart" I turned to him and smirked. He's a pussy "She's not like other girls Ethan" Jaden shot me a cold glare "You know she's yours, Ethan won't even look at her" Tony said and I gave him 'he's right' look "Even Kylie have a unique taste, she won't even look at you" Patt laughed at Dean "She likes Liam" Jaden said as he walked to the bench "She's mine and you know it" Stupid boys, to be honest Kylie is quite unique too but Dean completely act like a lost puppy which is stupid "Why stay with one person when you can have fun with a lot of girls right now?" I asked as I stood up taking a ball to shoot "I agree with you" Tony said "Yeah and just have fun trying a lot of girls" Patt said agreeing with me "Go play around now , it's your choice. I don't want to have a slut as a girlfriend. I want a good girl , a girl who can understand me instead of giving me pleasure that only will last for days. It will be different when you find someone that good and capable with you" Jaden said and since then he became a wise man. I laughed at his words because I don't care "He's a pussy" Dean said "You know Dean , keep trying with Kylie because she won't even look at you" Jaden smirked at him making Dean looked at him with cold eyes "Let's start the practice boys!" Coach said as he entered the gym. We started to practice and suddenly Jaden's words came across my mind again after practice I knew I wanted a girl like what Jaden described but my pride was bigger. He was right. But we're in highschool.. Why am I looking for someone to have a serious relationship right now? "What time will you finish tutoring her?" Jaden asked and I shrugged "Don't know, she's too stupid to learn so it will take a long time" I said "She has another talent Ethan, she might not be good in school academy but don't be little her" Jaden patted my shoulder and I chuckled "You're stupid Jaden" "You're the one who is stupid Ethan because you let a girl like her slip. You will regret it sooner or later" He smirked and I rolled my eyes. I walked out from the gym and walked to the cafeteria Suddenly my eyes caught her leaning to the wall opening the book that we learned yesterday. She talked to herself and I decided to walk past her to the cafeteria. We still had 8 minutes before I start to tutor her "Ethan baby" Matilda walked to me and gave me a peck on my lips. I pulled her to my lap and she started to lean to me. Instead of kissing her , I put her to the seat beside me causing her to glared at me "What's with you?" "Go away, I'm not in the mood" I said coldly and she looked at me disbelief "So you will only call me when you need me only?" I turned to her and laughed "Of course, do you think I want to have a serious relationship with you?" I asked and she slapped me suddenly. She stood up and walked away. I shrugged and decided to play with my phone. I looked at the clock to see that stupid girl is already 10 minutes late. I decided to call her since she stood outside the cafeteria earlier. I walked out to the cafeteria and froze to see that stupid girl trying to cheer Matilda up. They both stood quite far away from the cafeteria. Matilda leaned to the locker crying while that stupid girl gave Matilda tissues and patted her arm trying to make sure she's okay Last time I checked that girl was bullied by Matilda. I mean I was involved too but how can she be so kind to her after all the things that she did to her? That girl was weird I decided to just wait for her at the cafeteria. After 20 minutes , she sat beside me "Sorry, I got a phone call from my dad" She lied. Why lying when I know exactly what she did earlier? "You saw Matilda?" I pretended to ask "She's crying as she runs through the runway. Did you two fight?" She asked and that's it "None of your business" "You like each other, you should cherish her Ethan" I looked at her disbelief. How can you say that when you like me? Aren't you supposed to try to take my heart or something like that instead asking me to cherish a girl like Matilda? "A girl like her is not worth it" "She's still a girl with feelings Ethan, she really likes you. You won't find a girl like her if you don't learn to cherish her. You will regret it later on" What? Since when I liked Matilda? This girl in front of me was insane. How can she say that? "Don't tell me what to do stupid girl. Now I'm going to test you" I said coldly and she nodded weakly. She put the book inside her bag and I started to ask her questions I gave her 10 questions and she got 4 right but I felt that she already tried really hard despite her bad brain. She didn't even understand a few bits of it yesterday but now she can explain it a little by little. I admitted that she improved just in one day so it means she studied hard yesterday. "You're so stupid, you only get 4 out of 10" I said coldly and she looked at me shock. She sighed "It's better than yesterday though," I said and her face lightened up a little. I found it quite interesting to see her face changes in seconds "I'll study harder, I will get a better grade so you don't need to tutor me anymore" If you like me why don't you try to make your grades bad to spend time with me? She's weird. Why try to get better grades because you won't have a reason to see me this close again right? "Good because I can't stand to tutor a girl like you" I hissed "I know, that's why I felt sorry. I took your time so don't worry. I will get a better grade soon so you don't need to tutor me again" She said cheerly and I looked at her completely confuse "Good thinking" I commented Today's lesson was Math and she's so stupid in Math. I don't get why she's so stupid in this easy subject? I kept repeating 3 times or 4 times. She might nodded but I don't know whether she understands it or not She often scratched the back of her head when she's confused so I knew a few of her gestures to tell whether she understood it or not. "Let's rest for awhile, I'm fucking going to burn this papers if we don't take a break" I said completely piss. She looked at me with guilt in her eyes. She got up from her seat running towards the vending machine. She grabbed 2 bottles of drinks and she gave it both to me. She bought me a lemontea 2 bottles "Sorry" She apologized and I think I need to count how many times she said sorry. I decided to ask her a question "What kind of gift will a girl like if we want to say sorry?" I asked and to be honest I wanted to give it to her. I felt so bad that I kept being mean to her while she kept being nice "I bet Matilda like flowers or maybe chocolate" She said and I looked at her disbelief "I'm not asking that it's for Matilda, stupid girl. You can't even listen to the question well" I said coldly "Oh.. Uhmm for who then? You have another girlfriend besides her?" She asked carefully and I chuckled "Of course, do you think I will stay with one girl?" I asked and it's clearly that she got hurted with my words "Right.. uhm it depends on the girl" "Useless to ask a girl like you" I hissed and she just looked down to the ground. I sipped the lemon tea and I gestured another bottle for her to drink but she shook her head "You always drink that 2 bottles so it's all for you" Huh? Right.. suddenly her phone rang. She took it out from her bag and quickly picked it up "Hey. I can't today. I thought we're going next week. Oh.. We can go there another day. I'm hanging out with my friend today. Yeah.. Okay. Don't Maddie me. Roger that bud" Maddie? Her name is Kimberly right? Why Maddie? "Sleeping buddy? You have a lot of guys huh?" I asked and that was out from my control. She looked at me disbelief "He's my friend" Then why do you lie to him that your name is Maddie? "How many guys have you-" "I never sleep with anyone Ethan" She said coldly and I knew I already hurt her feelings for bringing up her private life "Let's study again stupid girl"

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