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The TutorThe Tutor
에:: Webfic

Chapter 12

Sean smiled when he saw the look in Athena s eyes, "you think you are up to the task to be tutored by me?" "Em, I don t know, I can t possibly tell. You don t look like you would be strict." His smile broadened, "don t be mistaken, Athena, I can be very strict, you can ask Tobias if you doubt it," he withdrew back but rather than pick another slice of bread, he picked up a napkin and started wiping his hand, "we will begin by changing your wardrobe, you can join Tobias when he would be going to the spa with his models, let him handle you and he can also pick up the best creams for you. He mentioned those last night." He picked up his phone and stood up, "I will see you in the afternoon, I have a meeting to attend to now." "Oh," Athena whispered, she wasn t expecting that he would leave her alone in the big house, well there is TB, so she is not actually alone. Sean stared at her, "when I get back, we could talk about the debt I heard you discussing with Frank last night." At the mention of that, Athena stood up, "oh my, that s true, I can t stay here Sean, if I stay away for too long they might think I ran away and would break into my house. I have a lot of valuables that I can t afford to lose." "How long would they give you before breaking into your house?" "I don t know, I have only been gone yesterday, they might be expecting me today and also, I don t want to lose my job by being absent for long." "Don t worry, maybe this evening, we would drive down there." "We? As in, you would come along?" To say she was surprised was an understatement. "Yes, there is no way I will be letting you stay there for one more day. So we would go over, settle your debts, and you grab the things you need and you are coming back here with me, understood?" Athena stared at him for a long time and didn t know anything to say, at the end, she just said, "thank you." "You are welcome," he said, "Tobias would be with you in a while, I will meet you guys later," he picked up the car keys on the table and glanced at her plate with still some slices on them, "try to finish your food," he added and walked out of the room. Athena followed him with her eyes until he was out of sight. She glanced at her food and picked up another slice, her thoughts running wild, what is going to happen now? Will he help her get together with Frank or would he want to keep her here? Making up her mind to ask him when next she sees him, she took a bite from the slice and chewed gently just like he had said. *** TB took Athena to a big spa that was very famous to the celebrities, they met his models where they were having a hot bath, "hey girls," he said to them and they all greeted him with a smile and a few words. "Alright ladies, this is Athena but you can call her At, she would be joining us today and it s her first time here, so be sure to treat her well." The ladies all nodded with only brief glances at Athena, they all had one thought in mind, she is a new model and just like they were treated, she was receiving the same treatment. No one made things hard for Athena, most especially, not with TB there to guide her and tell her the things she needs to do. After the spa, the models left and TB took her to the mall to get her some facial creams and body cream just like he had suggested last night, they were in the mall when he received a call from Sean that he was on his way to meet them. He hastily took Athena to the counter to make the payments and after that, they went outside to wait for him. "TB?" Someone called and he turned around to see a woman waving at him from afar. He squealed and said to Athena, "wait for me here, At, I will only be a moment," he rushed off and she watched him hug the woman and they laughed about something she said. She smiled and all her eyes were on them, watching how happily they conversed and she came to the conclusion that they might be very good friends or family relation. "Athena?" Someone called and she turned to see Frank and her heart missed a beat, "what the hell, what are you doing here?" He scowled, he was with a beautiful brunette and they seemed to just be arriving at the mall. "I…I…" Athena didn t know what to say, she looked at TB and he was still having the time of his life chatting with the woman and she looked back at Frank and the woman with him, she was dressed in a white pants and lovely blouse, her hair was up in a ponytail and she had beautiful bangs. Athena gulped staring at the woman, she looked so beautiful and she couldn t stop the tears blurring her vision. Although she was dressed okay as well in a blue pants and brown top which TB said highlighted her eyes but she still felt inferior in the presence of that woman. "Are you stalking me? Really Athena, what did I tell you last night? And by the way, how did you have the money to come back here?" Frank asked, his eyes filled with fury. "I…" Athena licked her lips, "I was with…" "Who? By God Athena, don t tell me that you slept with an unknown man last night, how could you do something like that? Do you have any idea how disappointed your mother would be in you?" "I didn t sleep with anybody last night," Athena defended, she couldn t keep the tears out of her voice, "you just threw me away last night like I meant nothing to you, why do you care what I did last night?" Frank wasn t softened by her tears, "if you didn t sleep with anybody then what are you still doing here? Why didn t you go back to the slum last night? You are not stalking me are you?" "No…I…" "Frank, what is going on? Who is she and why all these stalking and not stalking things?" The woman with him asked. Frank turned to her and with a gentle voice, he said, "she is a beggar I met on the streets some time ago but she wanted me to be with her so last night I told her off and I can t believe that she is still stalking me," he glared at Athena. "I am not a beggar, stop calling me that, I am not a beggar!" Athena screamed, her tears were choking her, "if you don t want me anymore, I would understand but I hate it whenever you address me as a beggar in front of your friends. I am not a beggar and I have never begged in my life and neither will I let you forcefully call me that. Why can t you just tell her that we were together and that you broke up with me, will it be bad if you just say that I am your ex?" The tears were trailing down her cheeks and she couldn t control herself anymore. Frank stared at her indifferently, "and why would I ever date you? You are not my type and definitely not worth to be my ex, so tell me, why would I say that you are my ex, just look at you?" He glanced at her dressing and it was only then that he noticed that she was dressed rather nicely unlike the times he had met her previously, he was taken aback briefly by that but he shook his head and refused to believe the fact that she was dressed nicely, "you are not worth to be with me!" "That s a very rude way to talk to a woman don t you think so?" A voice said behind him and he turned to meet the one person he never expected to meet there, "nice to see you again, Mr. Jones." "Mr. Brand," Frank breathed immediately and let go of the woman who still had her hand looped in his, he neatened his dressing immediately. "Mr. Brand," he repeated, thinking of something to say but nothing came to his mind. Sean looked at Athena, at first he was angry at her for crying in the public after what he told her last night but seeing the look in her eyes melted his heart and his anger was directed at someone else. When Athena saw that he was looking at her, she dabbed at her tears but couldn t stand there so she ran away. It took all the strength in Sean for him not follow her immediately, he calmed his nerves and looked at Frank, "it is very disappointing that I had to witness that, don t you think, Mr. Jones?"

© Webfic, 판권 소유